Chapter two

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"Julia!" My mom calls after the graduation ceremony is over.

"Mom!" I chirp as I hug her. I was always happy to see her.

"Where's Dad?" I ask.

"In the bathroom, you know how small his bladder is." She says, playfully rolling her brown eyes.

I didn't look like my mom at all. She had tan skin, brown eyes and short brown hair. She was beautiful though. People always thought that she was my aunt or something. But I looked exactly like my dad. We both had blonde hair, light blue eyes, and pale skin.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie. I really can't believe you're graduating already, it's like you were falling off your bike just yesterday." Mom says tearfully.

"Out of all the memories of my childhood, that's the one you had to bring up?" I laugh.

"Well you know what I mean." She smiles.

"Where's Christopher?" I ask. He was my brother who was three years older than me yet I was taller than him and I always teased him about it. It's only fair because he always teased me.

"He went to the car because he wants to take a picture with you." My mom says, smiling.

"Boo!" Someone says making me practically scream.

It was my dad and my brother.

Of course.

"You scared the crap out of me." I say as I hug them.

"I can see that." Christopher laughs.

"I'm really proud of you, angel." Dad says using the nickname he used when I was little.

"Thanks Dad." I say with a big smile. My parents always supported me with everything I do. It was my other relatives that didn't.

"Just remember that Hollywood is crazy. Don't do drugs, don't drink, and stay away from the bad people that'll influence you to do anything bad. I don't want you getting hurt." My brother says in a serious tone. He liked to have fun but he was always over protective.

"I know, I know." I say, waving him off.

"Okay well how about that picture?" My mom says.

"I want a picture with all of us so I'll go grab Ang to take it for us." I say as I speed walk away to find her.

I scanned the crowd and had no luck in finding her so I took my phone out and called her.

No answer.

Well that's weird. A lot of the people left by now so she should be able to hear it.

Did she leave her phone at home...?

She could be in the bathroom, I thought.
I walked towards the direction of the bathroom inside the gym and opened the door when I got there.

Oh my god.



This can't be happening!

The sight in front of me was something I thought I'd never see.

Ang's lips were molded on to Jack's lips.

Jack is my ex-boyfriend.

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