Chapter 2

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walker.scobell (chat)

(walker) U werent there. :( 9:07

                                                                                   (y/n) Imagine being lonely. I slept good. 9:08

(walker) Shut up. 9:10

                                              [haven't been active since 7 weeks]

                                                                                       (y/n) Uhm.. Walker..? Can we talk..? 3:12

(Walker) k.  3:14

                                                                                      (y/n) We're partners right? I was wondering if u       wanted to come over on Thurs?? 3:15

                                                                                       (y/n) For the science project. 3:15

(Walker) sorry, plans. 3:16

                                                                                      (y/n) oh

                                                                                      (y/n) yeah nvm sorry :) (seen)

(next day)"Wow.. I didn't realize it was this bad.." Cassie commented staring at the chat.

"Cassie... I screwed up big time. Especially since you can obviously tell he's way dryer than he normally types."

"Honestly yeah. This was all your fault I have to admit. I don't know what was in your right mind to just ditch him like that. Are you guys even still a thing? Did you guys call it off? Didn't you just get back together?"

"Mhmm It would be kind of awkward out of nowhere just being like 'yo we're done' you know? I don't know. I've been so stressed thinking about this I haven't been getting much sleep."

"Just go up to him don't be such a drag Y/n. I'm being harsh because I care. Now. I have to go to practice. talk to him. Tell him how you feel." 

"Bye Cass." I defeatedly waved.

I saw Walker passing by with a group of friends down the hall. We both made eye contact.

I just stared blankly into his eyes forgetting how awkward it was between us. I felt so comfortable staring at him because it reminded me of all our memories. None of us broke the contact.

I didn't realize how much I missed this type of comfort. Even though he was about 50 feet away, across the hall from me, it felt so peaceful. It made me tear up a bit. Ahaha...

Then a row of friends blocked the hall making the guy who was being chased push me onto the floor to make space for his get away. Making me loose eye contact with Walker.

I fell onto the blue lockers on the walls; my ankle slightly twisting from the fall. As I was getting up, the guy running after the one who pushed me, stepped on my hand still trying to chase the bastard.

"Damn todays really been a bad week huh. It just started too. God dammit I hate Mondays." I whispered to myself as everyone watched me struggle to get up. I didn't need their help I guess..

"Stop. Y/n. don't cry. Don't be stupid. You're okay." I tried to reassure myself.

I grabbed my backpack and started limping away with my hand in my other hand to convince myself there's no pain.

"Schools almost done. Just go to class and endure it." I told myself.

That day something in me hoped that maybe, just maybe, Walker would have come and asked if I was okay. I think I just hoped for too much. 

Because obviously, he didn't come.

Words: 482

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