Chapter 5

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*Walker POV*

"Y/n.. Can you stop calling me!?!" I finally answered her 6th call. It was annoying but deep down inside I still truly love her..  But every time we figure things out, she acts all rational again. I love her but it hurts too much to keep turning the switch on and off again. When is she ever gonna put our differences aside and just forgive and forget?

There was a long pause. As if she was processing me yelling at her. Is she mad at me?

"H-Help. Please. I need help. W-walker. Please..." A voice so raspy it shocked me a bit. It sounded nothing like Y/n. Was this her?

The moment I heard her aching voice, I got up from the living room couch and started running outside. She had to be somewhere. 

My heard started to ache. It sounded like she was in so much pain.

I was able to hear the light sobs through the phone. 

But what broke my heart the most was when she said "I'm sorry Walker. I love you." 

It hurt so much. It was all my fault. If I just didn't leave her..

"Y/N!!!" I yelled in the darkly lit neighborhood. My voice cracking from the sorrow I felt.

"Please be okay. Please." 

Even trying to convince myself she was okay didn't work. I would do anything for her. I would kill for her. So please. God please. 

I tried running with all my might. "Y/N!! WHERE ARE YOU!" I screamed even louder. 

People from their houses started coming outside; curious from the noise outside.

Finally, I spotted a shadow on the floor. I wanted to cry. Was she gone? Who did this!?

I ran faster towards her. 

I picked up her limp body making sure to be ever so gentle. I didn't realize how tight I was holding my phone.

I called 911 looking around for a culprit who could have done the harm to Y/n.

My tears were running down my face, hitting the unconscious Y/n. I tired wiping the water drops off her scratched cheeks but it was no use. I could barely see my hands holding her figure because of how much water was covering my eyes.

"911 what's your emergency?" A voice spoke from my phone. Calm and collected as they talked.

"Y/n.. She- Shes unconscious. I don't k-know what h-h-happened to her b-but she's not w-waking up. She has a v-v-very light pulse." It was hard for me to speak. I tried as hard as I could to hold my tears but they all just fell out.

"Okay. Where are you? Do you know?" The lady spoke.

"*walkers address* ... She's barely wearing any clothes.. She's just in undergarments and a thin jacket. Her skin feels so cold.." I wanted to be mad. I wanted to get revenge on whoever did this to her. How hard it must've been- how scared she probably was. All because I was stupid enough to leave her by herself.

"We're sending the ambulance right now. Can you tell me the details. Who she is? How you found her? Do you know her?" 

"Shes my girlfriend. Y/n called me. She said she was in danger. I came as fast as I could.. I saw her laying on the ground unconscious. Yes I do know her. Oh uhmm... Y/n is 15. Maybe around 5'2. She has h/c. And uhm she's a sophomore in high school." I was too shocked to realize I still called her my girlfriend... I was so used to always calling her that..


The ambulance came and took her to the hospital. Many of the people who were in the ambulance were guys. So I made sure to give her my jacket to cover her even if it was just a small bit. I didn't like the fact that other guys were seeing her like that.

As I was waiting in the hospital to get the results it made me really think. Y/n was raped. Oh I wanted to cry more. It was my fault. If she didn't escape what would have happened? I was so mad at myself.

"Walker. What happened." Y/ns family came rushing over to me. Their faces were filled with shock. 

I wanted to just dig a hole and cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Was all I could spill out. The tears I was holding back finally came spilling out.

"Its my fault. I don't deserve to live. Its my fault." I continued.

Out of nowhere I felt a pair of arms grab around my waist. Jasmine was hugging me as if to comfort me. I could feel the wetness of her tears stain my shirt.

I hugged her back.

"She'll be okay." Y/n's mom said. She knows I would never do something like that to Y/n.

I finally opened my eyes. Where was her dad? I thought. I looked around the waiting room to find him. My eyes searching.

For the first time ever, I saw a grown man cry. 

Not just small tears but waterfalls. I couldn't imagine what pain he must've been feeling. I can't blame him thought. 


The doctor finally came to us telling us that she was okay to go see. 

I was yearning for her touch. For her to be warm and conscious. I wanted to see her. I wanted to see if she was okay. But at the same time, would she want to see me? I was hesitating to go while all of Y/ns family were rushing to see her.

"Hey. You should go see her. She would want to see you." Y/ns mom said patting my back.

So I did. I was the first to enter her room. The sky was getting darker and darker. It was around 1 or 2 in the morning.

I started walking inside. My head down to the floor feeling guilty as ever.

"Walker.." I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up to see her face hoping it was radiant like I've seen it before.

Even though she was probably still in a lot of pain, she held her arms out and cried happy tears.

My chest hurt so much seeing her like that.

I ran up to her and hugged her tight. Not too tight, but tight.

"Thank you." She said.

My tears came running down for the 3rd time in this past hour.

Words: 1032

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