Ch. 20- Call of the Heart

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Planning a wedding to Tommy, is unlike ANYTHING I've ever experienced for several reasons. Chiefly, because its HIM and I am truly, deeply in love with my partner...he's my other half. There's also the fact that I look forward to being forever bound to him in every way.... he's changed my life, my world forever...I will forever be grateful that I saw the light on that fateful day I ran into him and our daughter. Now, now we are getting married and then there's the triplets Tommy is carrying...I could go on and I will...but for now back to the wedding....

I've taken care of all the logistics as it were, suits all in ya know formal wear, location, catering....and using Tommy's ideas of lemon leaves and baby's breath as a sort of backdrop or no theme to the wedding and then there is Tommy's dress, which I know nothing about.... he wants it to be a surprise, but damn if curiosity doesn't have THIS cat. I wanted and had talked to my (for now) fiancée about waiting until he's four months along as now he is 3 months pregnant but wanted it to be where his morning sickness would hopefully wear off in another month.... he protested, bitterly when i suggested it. 

"Damnit Pete!! I don't wanna wait to marry you!! I thought you wanted to marry me...I'm not some...I don't NEED coddling or some bullshit like that." And then he'd promptly burst into tears, fighting me as I took him in my arms, refusing to look at me.

"I DO want to marry you, very much so....more than you could truly know or understand...because you are my SOULMATE, for the first time in my life...I believe that's real because its YOU....i just want to make sure you and our babies will be ok...that you wont be as sick, its more important right now...that you rest as much as you can. It's ok too, to have help...I am here to take care of you Bellissima...never forget that." I whispered, wiping away his tears while trying to hold back my own.

"I-Just...I'M SORRY." Tommy whispered very much in misery, which broke my heart.

"Don't NEVER have to be, ok?" I just hold him...and hold him....and I never wanted to let go...I with Tommy, never again wanted to ignore the call of my heart.

Speaking of the call of the heart.... that brings us too now:

Tommy is lying in bed upstairs in our room, having been discharged from the hospital as he'd been in there the previous several days and given something that should hopefully help with his morning sickness. Thank GOD, the triplets are ok!! And Tommy too! Freaked me the fuck out, Ari too.... Ari wants to cuddle with Tommy....

"Daddy Pease cuddle? I wanna."

"Mommy needs rest." I reply, gently but firmly.


I sigh, but say, "OK Princessa...ok. Daddies just really worried about you...I know you hate seeing mommy feel so bad and that he's had a hard time with your siblings...and too I worry about mommy...I can't...I can't lose him or you or your siblings." I confess, terrified at the thought of ANYTHING happening to my family.

I feel my daughter's tiny hand on my cheek, "Pease ok." And I feel guilty for EVEN thinking of...of telling her 'No', even though it stems from my worry about Ari seeing here mother suffer. But in the end, I cannot deny her...I'd be denying myself.

"Let's go princessa. We will check on mommy and cheer him up huh?" I bounce her on my knee a moment, before scooping her up and heading upstairs to our bedroom, Ari I can feel is trembling. "Honey, we don't have to...I mean don't be scared, please.... mommy will be ok, so will your brothers or sisters." I am desperately trying to hold back tears. Ari's response is to curl into me, I open the door slowly to find Tommy laying up in bed, surprisingly awake. "Amore...." I whisper.

"Cat.... i am so glad to see and Ari look upset...i-is i-it me? S-Sorry...." Tommy says loud enough for me to hear in Italian, whimpering. I shake my self out of my stupor, and carefully hand Tommy Ari, making sure she knows to be careful...she gives a serious little nod as we all cuddle together for lack of a better word, my fiancée in my hold.

I sigh heavily before finally answering Tommy in Italian my voice cracking, "Ari.... wanted to cuddle with you, I told her you needed rest...I-I swear, I wasn't trying to be mean...its just that, this has been so hard on you, seeing you suffer.... i am terrified of losing you, losing ALL our children Tom. You're my heart."

Tommy replies voice husky with tears, Ari clinging to him...but in English. "'s my fault...for making you and her worry so---"

I cut him off, "It's NOT your fault. Its hardest on you most of all.... i just can't rid myself of these fears."

"I have them too Peter...but we'll face one another's fears together...always. I can feel and see how worried both you and our daughter are, but most of all? I see and feel how much you love me, how much she loves me....and I know the triplets...they love me too. We both can't keep carrying this guilt inside us...but it means so much that you talk to me about how you feel, are honest and open...already, I am feeling better talking to you." Tommy replies softly.

Before I can reply, Ari pipes up...

"Daddy betta?"

"Daddy makes EVERYTHING better." Tommy replies as he and I share a look and we quickly catch her meaning both of us very much touched.

"Kiss ma-ma." Ari's tone getting demanding...God, she really is a mini version of me! And I love that...she has her mother's heart though, her mother's beautiful loving heart. But I do as Ari says, a slow sweet kiss...and then I kiss his rounded stomach housing our triplets several times. My hands come to rest on Tommy's stomach, and I realize...I FEEL a strange fluttery eyes widen.

"P-Peter...they're.... i think moving!!" Tommy exclaims breathlessly.

I laugh and cry both, and vow that I will NEVER forget this moment. " one of the greatest moments of my life! Just one more more month and we'll be married...Ari...our little flower girl.... it's perfect! Perfect Tommy because it with you." Suddenly a tiny, but precious set of hands join ours, her smile wide despite the fact she is getting sleepy I can tell.

"Mommy perfect.... daddy too." Ari responds perfectly in Italian. I am not surprised...well I am and am not.... she's smart as hell for her age...more than for her age I'd argue.... its Tommy, its Tommy I know. And God, do I love that. We spend time together for a bit, before Tommy is hit with cravings, Ari is put to bed and I race back up to our bedroom, Tommy still awake...and of course I have my fiancé's cravings in hand, which he practically snatches from me in his zeal, I chuckle lowly...

Tommy huffs, "It's not like you lost your hands." But his tone is playful...and I reply in a tone, that promises things to come....

"That'd be a damn shame...especially since I need them and ESPECIALLY since I need them for what I plan on doing to you...soon as you finish those cravings of yours...."

I rewarded with Tommy's flush.

"Is it time for the cat to play?" Tommy suggests in the same tone as me.

"Oh baby...its IS." I purr but add on a touch of concern in my voice. "If you feel up to it."

"Well, I won't be 'up'." Tommy's look is sly, as he teases me...his eyes never leaving mine as he finishes off his cravings and he pounces on ME. "You.... wanted to play.... well let's play." He whispers heatedly...I can feel my need for and heavy. Before he can blink, he's devoid of clothing as I am i... I despite how very turned on I am.... take my time, hot kisses everywhere I can reach...Tommy responding in kind...writhing in pleasure...but very impatient. "Just take me!!" He cries.... his wish is my I first and foremost make sure he's ok, and that our babies are ok....and at last I enter him, with a loud and long more like a ROAR. Tommy letting loose pornographic moans....and so it on skin...both of us moving in ONE.

Both of us were and are VERY satisfied...there was and is NO better sight than Tommy coming undone.... reluctantly, I pulled out of him...and began gently to clean him off and myself, and during my ministrations he falls asleep. When I am done, I pull him to me...gently kissing him, he doesn't wake, but there is a smile on his face...he knows it's me.

"Sleep well amore.... I'll see you in your dreams and in mine and then again...when we wake. I love you; I love our family so much. Sleep well." I whisper, a hand resting on his swollen stomach before I drift off joining my soon to be husband in slumber.

A/N: Sweet, heat...feelings and fears.... next chapter will be the first of 3 parts related to Tommy and Peter's wedding, so stay tuned!! 

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