Chap 1:A Sensible Arrival At Grand Blue

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(3rd Pov)

The first thing we see peaceful was The Morning Sun rising up from the distant, as fitting at is it Japan is also known at The Land Of The Sun in it early ages where Japanese are Proud Soldier and Warriors that fortold their stories with legend that will continue generation to come...


The Clock Alarm blair like crazy at 6:30 could be seen frozen on the screen

???: "SHUT. UP!"

Suddenly a fist clashed down onto The Clock and it broke...The person groan under his bed cover peaking his head out showing his messy hair. This is Our Protagonist

Hajime Hikamoto AKA The Sloth

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Hajime Hikamoto AKA The Sloth

Hajime is a Lazy Bump that the shortest way to described him without an needing to insult

Hajime: "(Groan) Five...More *Fall Back Onto His Bed* Minute..."

He was about to fell back into dream land...Until the door to his room swung open exposing The Bright Light into his Comfort Zone Of Darkness

Hajime: "(Vampire Hiss) The Light! The Light!!!!"

???: "Moé Onii-Chan hadn't woken up yet?"

Standing by the door was a Girl who is younger than Hajime she have a petite built as a Little Girl her age would typically have and have a twin tail style with pink ribbon

Standing by the door was a Girl who is younger than Hajime she have a petite built as a Little Girl her age would typically have and have a twin tail style with pink ribbon

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Hinata Hikamoto, The Angel Of The Family

Hinata pouted as she walk over to her Lazy Brother whom put his cover over him to block off the Light of Jesus himself.

Hinata: "Today is the day! You are going into The Big College Big Bro!"

Hajime: "When The Sun Peak, I'd still sleep"

Hinata: "It be Noon by then! *Pulled On His Cover* Come. On"

Hajime groan before getting up albeilt slowly and lazily he yawn and wipe his eyes as Hinata smile she then run out the room and Hajime looked out of the window

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