Chap 7:Beauty Passion + School Festival + Alcoholism = Disaster

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(3rd Pov)

We are shown where Hajime is last left off...Yep straight off the back and cutting to the chase ladies and gentlemen as we see our Protagonist laid there in The Futon after YET again a Drinking Out With The Boi but now end up laying with a NASTY hangover and regret

Whateve...Hajime have knew that these event would alway happen so he just learned to accept it as is it

Hajime: "By this point...I am not even surprised, Honestly i'm more suprised that My Liver and Kidney isn't crying out in agony right about now *Take A Deep Breath* When in Rome"

He then scooch his head backward abit and direct his gaze up at The New Purple Hair Girl Face before he looked around him and notice few thing

Kotobuki and Tokita is snoring like an Jet Engine with empty bottle laid around them...Both were Butt Naked with their ding dong hanging about

Iori is seen sleeping while hugging Kohai who was hugging his Waifu Pillow

While me? Well i luckily woke up on a Soft Futon and next to a Hot Babe, after a while I rub my eyes and consentrate all of my strength to push myself upward

While me? Well i luckily woke up on a Soft Futon and next to a Hot Babe, after a while I rub my eyes and consentrate all of my strength to push myself upward

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Hajime: "(Groan) Now that i have my clearer head now, Who actually is she ?"

Tokita: "Oh Yeah *Stretches* This is your first time meeting her isn't it ?"

Kotobuki: "You do know that our Club is Inter-Collegiate right ?"

Hajime: "Wait so this Club have Student from Multiple Universities ?"

Iori: "Oh yeah"

Kohai: "Wait what's your saying she's a Student from a different school ?"

Tokita: "Pretty much, this is Hamaoka Azusa from Oumi Women's University"

Kotobuki: "She's a Third Year like us"

Kohai: "Good to know, but like is She sleeping here ?"

Tokita: "Probably because there futons here"

Kotobuki: "Yeah she probably came here after staying up all night"

Hajime: "Sound like it, cause I was sleeping on that Futon before She got here"

Kotobuki: "Pretty much she not the kind to care about something like that. What's surprising is that she didn't kick Hajime out of The Futon *Point As A Direction* look over here"

Kotobuki point toward a corner of The Room Hajime, Iori and Kohai followed it and saw a jean and white shirt laid on the floor

Kotobuki point toward a corner of The Room Hajime, Iori and Kohai followed it and saw a jean and white shirt laid on the floor

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