chapter one 2016

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I was 12 years old when my first traumatic experience happened. I lived in an apartment complex called "west hills village" in Eugene Oregon city view west 11th. I lived in apartment number 108.

My parents were cooking dinner while I and my older sister were drawing in our room together, my brother and little sister were both playing video games in our parent's room, I heard glass break so I jumped in fear. My older sister told me it was going to be okay and to stay where I was, but then I heard glass break again and my mother screaming. I ran to the living room where my mom was on her knees holding her head with both hands as my dad was hitting her, all three of my siblings were standing behind me screaming for our father to stop hitting our mother. 

My little brother ran to my parents screaming "Stop!" my dad pushed him away and my brother started to cry. I ran to my room and sat in my closet where I usually would hide when these arguments happened or when my dad was drunk.

It went silent after 5-10 minutes of hiding in my closet, it's never quiet in our house...ever. I ran out and saw my dad standing by the bathroom staring inside. I walk to the door, my dad warned me to go back to my room, but when I saw blood on my dad's arm I pushed him aside and looked inside the bathroom. there was blood everywhere, my mom's face was purple, and hanging herself in the tub with a belt. I screamed and ran to my room, grabbed scissors, and ran to cut her down. She grabbed me by the hair and dragged me out of the house "I hate you, you are the biggest mistake I've ever made" She kicked me out that night. I walked the streets of Eugene Oregon alone crying.

My parents had been arguing for years, but this one was a lot different.

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