chapter two, addiction!

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After that night all I could see and hear was roped on trees,blood,and even my mother screaming.
I would go to school and randomly yell at my friends telling then to shut up, get a life, etc.
I got into physical fights...alot. until I was expelled from school in the 6th grade over 5 times.
One day I got a text at 4:45 am, it was a drug dealer, he asked me if I wanted to try some drugs.
I asked him "why", and he said "because it takes all pain away"
I didn't know wjat he meant by it so I asked for some drugs, he met me at a park and he gave me Marijuana, He gave me lighters and a pipe as well.
That night I took my first hit and I was high for 2 hours. Every worry,fear,sadness,flashback,everything but happiness and numbness was gone. I wanted more. I wanted to know wjat was in the plant I just smoked I a colorful glass pipe was made. I forgot about those questions and just enjoyed this numb high.
The next day I walked up to the boy and asked for more, he said he was out and about flipped. I yelled at him for 20 minutes straight.
The next day he bought me more for $50 for 9 grams of it.
I took it home with me
After afew months went by of feeling nothing, I wasn't getting high anymore. The boy told me to take a break for 1 week then do it again..
"Fuck no I need to feel nothing!" I snapped.
He thought for a moment
"I could give you something stronger?" He said questioning.
"Yes" I said eager for more happiness

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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