The Prince of Spring and the Siren

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I was the son of Lord Spring and destined from birth to take my father's throne. I did not have to work nearly as hard as I did, but I was determined not to fail. I learned my studies, became personable, and followed every rule set on the path before me.

Failure was not an option. I became a golden child because I was all my father had left. My mother left, to romance the King of Winter instead. Perhaps it is karma she died giving birth to my half-brother. Her cruelty hardened my heart.

I never wished to love again. I fashioned a mask of personability. No one would ever know the pain behind my smile. Unlike my half-brother, Laurel, my frigid countenance was completely hidden.

Until I met him.


"The Queen Supreme of Asyr wishes to meet with you. She's invited all the Seasons to attend. She has a companion to introduce to everyone." Lady Saphire, the daughter of Azalea Solstice, aka Lady Summer, flopped onto the couch in my living room with a groan, "And you would think she would choose someone else to play messenger girl."

I fix my hair into a bun in the six-foot mirror, allowing a single section to hover over my eyes. "I don't see the problem."

Lady Saphire rolled her eyes so hard I was surprised they didn't fall out of her head. "Of course you don't. You don't find mirror travel exhausting."

"It's instantaneous. How can it possibly be exhausting?"

"You're hopeless." She grumbled, "Oh, and Queen Eternity also said your brother is back. Something about he found a missing Princess from the Terralus dimension."

I nodded, and she shoved me out of the way to walk through my mirror. "Don't be late, Mikhail!"

Laurel Solstice, my half-brother, returned? Of his own free will? Something must be serious.

I knew Laurel. He was broken, bitter, and hid it all behind a smirk full of mischief. He had wanted to leave his past behind so badly, he fled for unknown dimensions, and changed his appearance and his name.

He went by Captain Shade Jackson now.

I could only hope he didn't still resent me for the one thing I had he did not.



Queen Eternity's guest was not at all who I expected. I thought she was going to show us a pixie ambassador, to increase ties among the faeries.

I was awfully surprised when I walked into the room, greeted by the gentle calming scent of sea salt.

Pixies were tiny terrors. They could never be calming in any way.

All the other leaders and their children were gathered in a circle of chairs. My father, Felix Equinox, was chatting animatedly with Lady Autumn. Probably because Lady Summer and Lord Winter were having an intense staring contest, with Lady Summer's twins caught in between the two.

I felt bad for Saphire and Serenity. Lord Winter's stare was just as cold and unforgiving as the rest of him. I was about to intervene when a figure who had been leaning in the shadows walked into the light.

Shade Jackson.

"We are all here, Queen Eternity, so can you please get this over with? I'd rather not have to watch how long two people can pretend to be statues."

The woman on the tallest chair raised her head from where she'd propped it on her fist.

Queen Eternity stifled a laugh behind her hand as Lady Summer's face turned red. Lord Winter remained expressionless.

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