The Rollodon Stampede

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It's been a few months since the D-Brothers scared the shockarachnids out of the valley,now there adults,and everyone fears them,they were just grabbing some ore when the ground shook "D-Structs...You know what that noise is...Right?" D-Stroy asked curiously,D-Structs looked over by the entrance and saw a bunch of dust rising,there was only one thing it could be "...Rollodons!".A bunch of rollodons stampeded through the entrance and flatten'd every tree in there path "There's no scaring them!" D-Structs yelled "We must run!" "NO!" D-Stroy yelled "IF WE CAN SCARE SHOCKARACHNIDS AND SCRAPTORS,WE CAN SCARE ROLLODONS!!!" D-Stroy charged right at them,the rollodons just pushed him out of the way,D-Structs then moved out of the way of the rollodons,once some rolled passed,D-Structs began chase "Slowpoke!" D-Stroy yelled as he zoomed past,D-Structs growled in annoyance.  The rollodons were rolling right toward nightmare mountain "The valley!" D-Stroy thought to himself,he smashed the rollodon in front to turn him around,it worked and they were heading to the valley,the valley of ore "What Are You Doing!?" D-Structs asked very much confused "Following My Plan!" D-Stroy replied in confidence,meanwhile a herd of Hydrodons found D-Structs and D-Stroys ore "Hey Flynt?" on of them asked "Yea?" he replied "Does this ore belong to anybody?" "Don't think so Fritz" and so they began eating the ore.The rollodons flatten'd every rock in sight "There almost out!" D-Structs cried "Good!" D-Stroy replied "I'm getting sick of'em anyway!" D-Stroy and D-Structs roared triumphantly as the rollodons rolled out "ROLL!" they cried as they left 'Come on little brother" D-Stroy said.They rolled up to there ore spot to find 3 Hydrodons eating there ore! "Uhh..." Fritz said nervously "Heh...Is this yours?" "REEERRRRR" D-Stroy roared as D-Structs charged at them,Flynt blasted water at them,distracting them so they could escape "They Got Away!" D-Structs yelled furiously "No worries" D-Stroy said with a little chuckle "They've got nowhere to hide... 

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