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The D-Brothers searched high and low,left and right for Flynt and Fritz and the other hydrodon we'll call Fred, there hunt led them to a crater,owned by a T-Trux named Wreck "Huh?" Wreck said while D-Structs and D-Stroy passed by "Just visiting!" D-Stroy said knowing Wrecks confusion "We'll be right out!".D-Stroy  noticed hydrodon tred prints on the ground "Look brother! there tred prints!" D-Structs looked at the ground "Found Them..." he said evilly "hehehehehehe..." 2 hours later they found a sleeping trux so big The D-Bros basically are Reptools instead! "What.Is.That!?" D-Structs asked, clearly in fear "No Idea!" D-Stroy responded "Let's Not Wake It Up And Find Out" they slowly rolled past it...And zoomed off in fear "GRRR..." The giant trux raised its head, then lowered it again.The D-Bros were about to give up on the hunt cause it's been 5 hours when D-Stroy saw them "THIS WAY!"he called out to his brother. they zoomed in the canyon and screeched to a stop "There They Are!" D-Stroy yelled, the hydrodons looked up in surprise as the chase began "No D-Structs,Not Here,The Canyon Is To Narrow!" D-Stroy called out to his brother "We'll use the same plan we used for the rolladons and take them in the valle-" "ENOUGH PLANS!" D-Structs yelled in fury "I'LL SHOW YOU WHOSE SLOW!" they continued chasing them, the hydrodons turned around and sprayed the tops of the canyons, D-Stroy watched in horror "LOOK OUT!" he cried, the rocks fell on D-Stroy as D-Structs sped forward, D-Stroy could only watch in anger as his brother ran off "ALMOST GOT'EM!" D-Structs yellled while looking beside him,but D-Stroy was gone, he looked beside him and saw his brother was gone "Brother?" he stopped the chase and looked around "D-Stroy,we don't have time for this!" he went back and saw D-Stroy was buried in rocks, and a broken head spike, D-Structs roared in anger and sadness as his brother was..."dead"

The D-struction Twins (A Dinotrux Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang