Chapter Two

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        I don't know what I expected death to be like. Pleasant, maybe. Or possibly just more.  It feels like only a minute has passed. Then I wake. Everything about me is different. My hair is wavy, and brown as soil, my eyes are a great grass green. I notice my skin is a similar color to the inside of a tree while what looks like vine tattoos wrap around my arms. My clothes have changed too, I no longer wear shoes and vines wrap around my ankles like anklets. My skirt is like a giant flower pedal that cut so far up I put a pair of what looked like spandex from the drawer in the room I was in.

        Jack walks in and gulps at my appearance. I feel a flush of embarrassment. "You look...." He starts, the blinks " wait a minute. Why are you wearing my briefs?" I freeze. Oh my god, no. please don't let them be his briefs  I pinch my self Damn it! I blush "Sorry, it's just this skirt. If you want I can-"

        "No, you're fine." He assures me. "I don't think you'd wanna walk around with the staring at your... you know." He fumbles blushing, making me giggle.

        "Thanks." I say out of habit and start to inspect myself in the mirror . I feel so natural, but then again as it so happens I'm positive all this naturalness is a sign that I must be Mother Nature. I turn back to Jack. "So I really look okay?" I ask.

        "Okay, doesn't even start to-" He's interrupted by Big Red

        "We just heard news, Man in Moon says you are Mother Nature." He say cheerfully.

        "Knew it." I say. Red leaves about as quickly as he came in. "So what were you gonna say?" I quirk an eyebrow.

        "Nothing." He teases. As a fellow tease I was sart enough to walk up to him and kiss his cheek 

        "Thank you by the way" I start. "for being here when I woke up." He leaves the room and I suspect it's to hide the red on his face. I'm about to leave when I spot a dark figure in the mirror.

        "How come you never kissed me like that?" It teases, but I can hear the twinge of hurt in it's voice. Then I realize who it is. I've never seen him so dark. I turn to face him.

​        "Hello Derek."I say and then I correct myself. "I mean, Pitch."

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