+ halloween +

35 0 0

light was thrown awake by his alarm ClOCK
"oh em gee" light thot. what dae is it 2dae??" said light excitedly.
"ITS OCTOBER 30TH!!" said lite cheking the time on his fone.
gargle .. gargle
it was lites stumake. he hasn't pooped since the day he got those gummy worms.
"mm .. my tummy tum. it's been so long since i poo-poo'd, i feel like me is going to explode!!"
lite was right. there was so much food built up in his tummy that he would exploded soons.

7 hours later !!!!!!

"me is going to put my gummy worm costume on now" lite said.
lite got naked exposing himself to the world and quickly got his new gummy werm costume on.
"ok time to go trick or treeting." lihte thot in his head.
ding dong
light on his nae-burs dorbell.
"trick or treet smel my feet! give me candy or i'll eat you owo!!"  light said cutely.
"O em g??!. Jaxx com look at the neighburs costoom." sed soorah.
jacks came runing over in his amung us costoom.
"here takes these gummy worms" said jaxks.
"thx" said light.

4 hours later

"I cant beleve i got 204 bags of gummy werms" light said. sleepily. little did. lite know what was soon to come...

light's stomach worms 🫶🏼Where stories live. Discover now