+ chapter 3 +

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TW: this chapter is totally awesome 😎

light was laying down on this bed, trying to fall sleep.
With all of the gummy worms he had eaten in the course of a couple of days, light's stomach felt like it was going to burst open at any moment.
eventually the pain became too much..
"i cant take it any.. more.."
light slowly walked down to the kitchen & pulled out a knife..
"I need to do this...." light said, stumbling on this words..
light lifted up the knife to his neck, and slit a deep cut into his throat..

light was dead.

the blood pooling out of his neck slowly started turning into gummy..
"OWWWWW..!" yelled light as he sprung back up to life.
"W-what.. i thought i killed myself.." light said in his head as he stumbled back up.

light was quickly turning into a gummy monster!!

light fell asleep in a pool of his own gummy blood.

4:00 am ..

"huh?- what day is it.." light said, tired & confused.
w-wait a minute.. i thought i killed myself.

The slit on lights neck was completely healed, although he could still feel the pain..

"light was dead."

light's stomach worms 🫶🏼Where stories live. Discover now