kissing video 10/27/87

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12min 23 secs 5:22pm

In Asure's walk in closet

Asure sits the camera on a shoe box and sits on the ground Martin sits on Asure's lap

Asure: So are you camera shy or you cool with it.

Martin: Not really mi amor. *getting his face kissed*

Asure: Are you sure *kissing Martin's face*

Martin: Please on my lips *getting kissed on the lips*

Asure and Martin kissing each other softly and slowly, Martin raps his arms around Asure's neck while kissing thinking in his head "he's my wonderland he's a real one he's a good kisser he's everything I wanted for a boyfriend I really want to bite his pale neck I want to see him in underwear only or even naked he's kissing making me feel this way"Asure was moaning for no reason he was thinking in his head "Oh my lord he's in my lap I don't know how far he wants to go in this relationship" Asure put his hand in Martin's pants squeezing his ass Martin was getting red he wanted Asure to stop but he started loving it the making out made Asure turned on even more started tongue kissing Martin, Martin take off Asure's shirt, grab his hands and hold them Martin felt very numb he started to moan it sounded like Katie to Asure then a knock in his closet

Asure: Quoi, qui est-ce? (What, who is it?)

Max: Le dîner de Max ton frère va être prêt dans une minute. (Max your brother dinner is going to be ready in a minute,)

Asure: Ok au revoir. *Turns off the camera*

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