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They woke up unsteady like always. On top of the building they set up camp for the night. As they squinted from the sun they blinked and stood up to pack up the supplys and took down the traps. They packed freshly dead rabbit in their bag. After doing that they picked up their crossbow and loaded it. They yawned and climbed down the building. "Every night and every day is always the same." One of the voices muttered.

When they walked along the long forgotten roads of peaceful times passed, there were no signs of life or undead. "This part of this city seems untouched. Curious." Brian stated.
"Even still, we should keep our guard up. Who know what's out there." Theo counted. They kept walking.

They heard a creaking followed by silence. Instinctively they drew the crossbow closer to their face and slowed down. There was another noise coming from behind them. Quickly turning around they shot at the darkness. Silence continued her hollow, deafening call. Sighing they loaded another arrow into the weapon and brought it close to their face again. This time they saw a shadow slowly shuffle across. Without hesitation they shot at it. "Bullseye." They whispered in celebration. They walked over to inspect the body and pick up their arrows.

They let out a sigh of relief as they realised it was just a zombie. "That's what you get freak." They spat.
"It was just a child, it could of had a family." Eddie complained.
"We have been over this Eddie. In this world it's killed or be killed you know this." Brian said in his usual monotone voice. "Will things get better?" Eddie asked.
"At this point the most logical answer is 'no'," Brian stated.
"It's not going to get any better until this disease is eradicated." They said.

They looked for a place to eat in peace. They found a shady ledge. They climbed up dropped the backpack and side bag. They got out the rabbit from the side bag. It wasn't a lot but it would had to do. "We were 4 when mom and dad abandoned us." Kyle said.
"How long has been since we last saw an alive human?" They asked mouth full of food. "Eleven years ago is when you last saw a person. They were a teenager hiding in the ruins of a building. They told you to run. The last you heard of them was their screams of agony." He replied without a single emotion. And then there was silence. No thoughts. No emotion. Just silence. They got up and started setting up traps.

After eating, they rested their head on their knees. Tears were threatening to fall. "I just want everything to back to normal." They whimpered. "Nothing can go back to normal since you known nothing else." Casady whispered. They closed their eyes tears slowly creeped down their cheeks. "Is it okay if I take a small nap? I just feel drained." They whispered.
"I see no reason why not. Get some rest." Someone said, they were to tired to care. Slowly diffting off to another uneasy sleep.

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