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Devon's eyes were locked on the complex.

"Hey! You missed the turn back there"

"Oh my bad, lemme just make a U-Turn"

Santos waited at the light about half a mile away from Devon's apartment complex. As the light changed, he turned left and stepped on the gas pulling Devon back into his seat.


"oh I forgot to mention I had somewhere to be as well" he grinned.

Devon started flailing around and trying the door handle but it was locked and at some point he grabbed the wheel while Santos was speeding away. Santos grabbed him by his wrist and pushed him away.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sweetheart. Unless you want to get both of us killed" he smiled at him menacingly.

Devon's heart was racing and his eyes were now glossy. He kept thinking to himself how everything could have been different, now he was in a strangers car far away from home. How could he have been so careless. He held on to his seat and closed his eyes. It seemed like Santos' car was never going to stop.
Devon remembered he still had his phone on him. He began patting his legs looking for his phone while making sure Santos kept his eyes on the road. Then he realized his phone was connected to the aux. If he moved anything it would be too suspicious . He cursed under his breath and adjusted himself back into the seat. After what seemed like an eternity, Santos was finally slowing down and came to a full stop near some woodlands. He turned to Devon, smiled and put his hand on his thigh. Devon stiffened up.

"I'm gonna go ahead and pick your stuff up and you can follow behind me. You better not try to run"

Santos got out of the car and turned off the engine. He shut the door behind him and as soon as he did Devon began shuffling through his phone, then saw that there was no signal in the area. His breathing became shaky. As soon, as he noticed Santos making the turn back to him he adjusted himself. His heart was racing. It was so dark and there wasn't any buildings to be seen just forestry. Santos came out back and open the door to the back seat and gathered Devon's belongings. After that, he opened the door for Devon.

"Get out" he stated "follow me and watch your step"

Devon stepped out slowly and followed Santos into the wooded area. Santos locked his car and continued. Everything was silent, and Devon was scouting the area for anything at all, but there was nothing.

"It's really cold" Devon complained.

"Don't worry you won't be in a little"

Devon wondered what he meant by that. He kept following behind Santos trying to think of ways to escape. Santos didn't seem to have any weapons, plus his hands were full. Devon thought that maybe he could just make a run for it and just keep running until he saw something. That's when he impulsively started running. He didn't know where to just as long as he was getting far away from Santos. He didn't even care that he had all his things he just ran.

Not even a second passed before he bolted that he heard Santos.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO RUN" his voice echoed through the trees.

Devon paid no mind and kept running, but because of how dark it was he tripped on some trees roots and his momentum sent him flying against a tree. He was knocked unconscious.

dont know a titleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें