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The sounds of dead leaves crunching woke him up. Devon's head was pounding. He felt something cold dripping down his face as the cold ground was being pulled behind him.

"I told you not to run. Now look at you all bloody.... Guess ima have to patch you up huh"

Devon passed out again. He woke up in a different setting. The wound on his head was stinging and his vision was blurry. All he could hear was Santos moving around and grunting. He could barely hold himself up. Santos kneeled beside him and began cleaning his wounds. Devon winced at him touching the area and was mumbling about how much it hurt.

"stay still and it'll hurt less"

Santos finally finished cleaning him up and noticed how Devon was only half conscious.

"Lemme get you out of these dirty rags yeah?"

Devon was responding incoherently. Santos began undressing Devon, and left him in just his boxers. He left and came back with some of his clothes and set them to the side.

"well aren't you a pretty boy"

Santos sat beside him. He hadn't been able to see Devon in good lighting until now. His figure seemed attractive in the shadows, but Santos felt like he really won the jackpot with this one. He began caressing his face and tracing his fingers along the bridge of his nose then down to the curved lines of his lips. He began thinking about all the things he could to do him while he was in this state.

As this was happening, Devon started regaining some control and tried hard to push Santos away but he was far too weak. Santos put his hand around his throat and gripped it tightly around the edges as to cut off blood flow to his brain. Once he was dumb and pliable again , Santos began unbuckling his belt and undressing himself. He got on top of the boy and began kissing and biting his neck. He could feel him trying to move beneath him, but then pushed down on him harder. He began cover his neck and chest in bruises that were brick red. A pretty color that complimented his cinnamon skin.
After a few minutes of kissing him, Santos could feel that his core was burning up and he was ready to relief himself. He propped Devon into position and reached over to grab some lubricant. He was generously applying it on his member as well as on Devon's rim. He tried entering slowly as to not alarm him, but as soon as the tip penetrated him Devon's eyes widened. He was still in a dazed trance but it was clear to him that something warm and hard  was penetrating him. He tried to get Santos off of him but it was no use.
Santos used him as if he was a toy.

"God you feel so good wrapped around me around me" he growled.

As time passed Devon loosened up more, and accepted his fate. He knew there was nothing he could do and let Santos overpowered him.

"Come on baby, make some noise for me. Let me know I'm doing a good job" he whined

Devon quit fighting against it and let himself enjoy it. After all he didn't know what else Santos had in place for him. Both of their bodies began heating up the surrounding area and the room was filling up with their moans and grunting, especially Santos'. Santos began losing his rhythm as he neared his climax. He held onto Devon tightly until he finally released and let himself finish inside of him. The boy was too dazed to react to it and when Santos' pulled out he realized his cock was still hard, so he took advantage of his dazed state. He began rubbing his tip around his full lips, using any drool as lubricant. Finally, he decided fuck his face making sure Devon swallowed every inch of his cock. Santos' eyes would roll back in pleasure as thrusted into his mouth. He loved how easy it was to use him while he was dumb and fucked out. Even though Santos had to do all the work, he didn't mind. All he ever needed was a pretty boy like him and a nice warm mouth for it to feel good. Eventually, Santos ended up finishing in his mouth.

He watched as his cum dripped from his lips, but he didn't stop there, he leaned in for a kiss. Except this time it seemed like Devon was actually trying to kiss him back in his own sloppy manner. Santos couldn't believe that he had found the perfect play thing to keep all to himself. Finally Devon was completely unconscious from exhaustion and Santos finally left him alone, but not before cleaning him up and getting him dressed once more. He handcuffed the boy to a metal beam near the couch and left to his room where he could clean himself up.

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