Eboys Island

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By the morning, you had reached the Airport to take you to Eboys island. You grabbed your minecraft decorated suitcase, gripping on tight as you boarded the plane. The journey was a full 12 hour flight as it was just off the coast of London, but it was a separate island off course.

When you arrived, you looked out the window, seeing the heavy nether fortress like walls surrounding the island, guarded with Sigma males and Ghasts and lava lakes. You could hear a vague echo of Slow Down by James Marriot coming from the island. They must have been broadcasting it into space or something.

As you landed, getting off the plane, you reached for your Eboys passport, handing it to Mr WillNE himself. "Eeey yee lad welcumm teuu Eboiis islund." He spoke in his famous Geordie accent. He was dressed head to toe in footie wear as he had just been to the game, with his car parked visibly close to the plane. It was pink with cursive writing on the front reading "Belle Delphine". You were so jealous of his car. "Oooh weaa lad off yous go to yer neuuw 'ousing." WillNE spoke. God he was so sigma. You couldn't resist a Newcastle lad.

You hopped in a taxi, driving through the rough terrain that was Eboys island. It looked exactly like Scotland and there were strange outhouses placed around. The houses were all mansions though, every sigma here was worthy of wealth, and every resident was a sigma.

There were churches dotted around, but with what looked like .... lasagne shaped crosses????

You looked down to your phone, Tommy calling you..again🙄. You accepted the call, dreading what he had to say.

"You neeed to get back here babe I have a great video idea where we invade the stupid beta eboys and i get more subscribers than memeulous babey girl!!" Tommy shouted down the phone, jealousy seeping from his mouth.

"You will never have more subscribers than Memeulous!!! He is the #1 Youtuber!!" You cried down the phone, tears streaming down your face, clutching onto your Demolish Birmingham t-shirt for comfort.

You heard Sarah Simmons in the background of the discord call, making your heart wrench. It was worth it for George, you kept reminding yourself.

Tommy was getting angry. "I will chase George with a knife and steal his Rolex again!!!!!" Tommy screamed into the mic at you. You could hear a vague tune in the background... in sounded like the music from meep city???? You had the power to expose him right now to his millions of fans that he loved playing meep city and he owned every house and clothing option and he was level 100000 at fishing, but....you had already hurt him once today.

You ended the call, putting on a new No Context Britain video from the classic George M channel to make you feel better. Hearing his iconic laugh and discussing the peak of British culture made you giggle, your heart beating at the masked man. You ached to be his bird. He was so fit.

Far far away in a forbidden mystical land called Brighton, Tommy was raging at his little nerdy PC set up. "Seriously mate she's such a nob head mate!!! I'm gonna deck that George Meme bloke for stealing my bird mate." He shouted to Dream over a call.

He had forgotten he was live streaming, so everyone was watching in utter confusion at Tommy raging to Dream about his beef with Memeulous.

Ksi was sat watching the live stream.... Knowing it was about his beloved yet discusting betraying daughter. He could smell the drama from here. This was team 10 level drama, so he went to get Logan, the expert at YouTube beef. 

Back on eboys island, you settled into your new place very well. There were expensive kitchen thingies and nice windows and a toilet and stuff it was so luxurious.

There was a free Garfield shrine, as it was mandatory to pray to Garfield every Monday on eboys island otherwise you would be tortured and banished from the island. (The torture was you had to take a nasty shot of that apple sourz every time they said lasagne or Monday in Garfield.)

The fridge was absolutely stocked full of microwave lasagnes and that dodgy lemon alchohol.

Unfortunately the only TV channels on Eboys island was the Eboys podcast, but you couldn't complain.

You could really get used to this luxury. It was well poggers.

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