Camp Rules

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We're so glad you've decided to spend your summer at Camp Octen! Before you arrive, here are some ground rules to keep in mind:

1- No discrimination. Not even in character. This isn't the place for that, as this roleplay has nothing to do with that. Discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. will not be tolerated.

2- Some people are going to ha𝕧e characters who aren't great people, and that's okay. Hate the character, not the roleplayer.

3- Make imperfect characters! No one is perfect, and while this roleplay definitely isn't the most realistic thing ever, it's better if the characters actually feel r𝕖al. They must have flaws and weaknesses, and thorough personalities. Please put effort into your characters, even if it's a character that you're okay with dying.

4- Don't control other people's characters! I will be 𝕟arrating this roleplay, so if something happens to your character, I'll narrate the event, but you're in charge of roleplaying their reaction. You may only roleplay your own character. 

5- Only sign up if you're going to be active, it sucks to think you have more people than you actually do in your roleplay. Make sure to reply to roleplays if you're online. I understand sometimes you lose motivation, but when people don't reply for days, roleplays die, and I'm hoping to av𝕠id that.

6- No s𝕞ut! This is not the place. There's no need for uncomfortable sexual content, this is a horror and science fiction roleplay.

7- This is a horror roleplay. Refrain from joining if you get queasy at the thought of gore and suspense. Especially if you're scared of spiders. There will be p𝕠tentially disturbing content, I'm warning you now.

8- Yo𝕦r characters may disappear, die, or have horrible things happen to them! Please don't make a big fuss about it, it's part of the roleplay. If you're super against one of your characters dying, please tell me in advance, but at least have one character you're okay with dying.

9- No illegal or uncomfortable romantic relationships. Pedophilia, incest, etc is highly prohibited. Try to keep age gaps to a minimum, characters shouldn't be more than a year older than their partner𝕤.

10- Everyone is human in this roleplay, please don't create magical characters. This fact may change as the roleplay goes on, however, and if your character does develop into something other than human, I will provide you with their abilities and such.

11- This is a semi-literate to literate roleplay, so make sure to respond with more than three sentences (Four or more).  This is especially relevant if someone replies to you in paragraphs of text and you don't write nearly as much. Try to keep spelling errors to a minimum, though it's understandable if English isn't your first language or if you just have a few sprinkled in there, we all make mistakes. 

12- Your character must be a minor, this is summer camp after all! Preferably tween-late teens as traumatizing a bunch of little kids isn't exactly what we're going for.

13- It's highly suggested that there's a diverse character cast! No one wants to roleplay with a bunch of white boys named Josh. 

14- Please please please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions!

Please don't plan on attending camp if you're not willing to comply with the rules, as breaking them will have consequences. We can't wait for your arrival! 

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