A Daughters Question

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Roxanne Weasley had many questions as a 16 year old teenager

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Roxanne Weasley had many questions as a 16 year old teenager. Many of which she was unsure she would get any answers to anytime soon. Like the feelings she had building for her dorm mate Holly, or what she wanted to do with her future. But there was one thing she did have questions in regard to. Why was she named the way she was.

Roxanne was not the problem. Rather she felt as though the named suited her. When she looked in the mirror and thought what other name she would be called rather than Roxanne or Roxie nothing came to mind. Her parents had managed to find a name of which seemed to suit her well, it enraptured everything she thought herself to be. That was not the problem. What was, was her middle name. It was something that she did not realise she had until she had started to get post from Hogwarts which included her full name. It was one her parents rarely used even now, only calling her Roxanne when she was in trouble. 

Her parents had obviously told her brother where his name had come from. They had no choice considering he had a second tagged to the end of it. Roxanne knew plenty in regards to the Uncle she never got to meet. Her father's twin who had lost his life during the battle of Hogwarts. But there was something else her parents were hiding from her. Someone else. 

She knew not when these feelings came, but the longer and longer that Roxanne pondered in regards to her middle name, did she feel like there was a person she was supposed to know. That there was a reason that somebody's nickname had been used as her middle name. But she never had the courage to ask. Not until now, not until she was nearly ready to head back to Hogwarts for her sixth year did she finally want answers to the questions which only seemed to amount in her mind as the weeks passed. Roxanne had at first tried asking her father about the middle name situation. He had only given her a watery smile and told her he couldn't share that information. Not yet. And that had only confirmed her suspicion that there was somebody else that she never got to meet. And only increased her curiosity. And only left her with one parent of which she could speak to it about. 

She waited it out, waited and waited until there was a day where it was just her and her mother at home. Fred was out visiting some of his school days and her father was at work. Leaving the two women of the family in the house. Roxanne had bigged herself up for the task of asking her mother. And was quite possibly on the verge of a mental breakdown if she did not ask the questions that day. 

It took not long to locate her mother that morning, Angelina Weasley was currently located in the living room watching the TV listening along to the muggle news channel. Angelina was the parent Roxanne mostly took after appearance wise and attitude wise. Many having told her that she was a direct copy of her mother during her time at Hogwarts. The only thing she had not got from her mother was her love of music. It was also not a trait her father had either with both of her parents music taste being questionable at best and not a hobby they had ever enjoyed. 

"Mum?" She questioned which was enough to draw Angelina's attention away from the TV and to her teenaged daughter stood awkwardly in the doorway. 

"What is it Roxie?" Angelina could tell instantly that there was something off with her daughter, something that Roxanne would always be thankful for. 

"I have something I've been meaning to ask for a long time." Roxanne started unsure of how she was actually going to break the topic now she was midway through doing so.

"You know you can ask me anything Roxie, come here." Angelina beckoned her over to the sofa and the girl was more than willing to comply. She took the seat next to her mother who placed a comforting hand on her leg waiting for the question. 

"Where does my name come from Mum? I know about Roxanne but where does Flossie come from? And why do I feel like there's someone missing from my life I should know." Roxanne blurted her string of questions out in a much faster pace than she intended waiting to see how well her mother could keep up with them.

"Your dad told me you had asked him about this a couple weeks ago. We agreed it's time you should finally know." Angelina started before moving quickly from her own seat on the sofa to a trunk located on the side of the room. Roxanne knew this trunk well, it was the trunk which included the memories of her parents from around the time of the war. She had often caught her father rooting through the box late at night when he thought he was alone. Angelina brought out a small scrapbook from the trunk, one which looked as though it had seen better days. She could not clearly from a distance see what was written on the front but she noted immediately it was not in a handwriting she immediately recognised. It was familiar but not identical to any she knew. 

As Angelina came back closer to the sofa, Roxanne's eyes were finally able to decipher the writing on the front of the scrapbook. And her eyes immediately widened as she noted not only the words but one of the two figures clearly in the few photos stuck to the cover page. 'Fred and Flossie' it clearly read. She took in the face of the Uncle she could only meet in the veil and that of an unfamiliar woman. Angelina passed the scrapbook over to Roxanne with no need to ask her to be careful with it as Roxanne could clearly see it was very delicate. And as she opened the first page, she was met with a photo of a couple who could be no happier. And she took a moment to read the message below. 

'To my Flossie,
Not a day goes by where I don't miss you. I can't wait until we meet again.
Forever yours,

Roxanne immediately turned her attention away from the scrapbook and to her mother. The woman who seemed to sport an incredibly sad smile as she too took in the first page of the scrapbook. Roxanne knew not the last time that her mother had looked through it but it would mean little else if it was still able to produce this much emotion from the woman. She dared to turn the next page.

Page by page Roxanne turned, each time taking in another message her Uncle had left the woman the book was obviously addressed to. And each time she felt herself get more and more upset as she came to realise just what had happened to the woman she gathered she was named after. It was only when she turned to the final page and saw the now slightly tarnished silver ring attached in a plastic bag that she turned her attention back to her mother for more of an explanation. 

"Florence Dorcas Cribbons was my best friend and would have been your aunt. She died a month before the Battle of Hogwarts, a targeted attack by Voldemort himself." Angelina paused as the tears gathered in her eyes and Roxanne went to take her mother's hand in her own, trying to provide just a little bit of comfort. 

"Your Uncle Fred never got over his loss. And just matter of weeks later he joined her. The pair of them were attached at the hips since we were 15 and me and your father have always hoped that they are together again." Angelina continued as she moved to a page back, which contained a photo of both woman when they had been in school together, at their final quidditch match. Two girls decked in red and gold, lifting a trophy they never thought they would hold, bright smiles and eyes. Unaware of the cruel reality life would take just three years in the future. 

"Flo would have been the most amazing aunt ever to both you and your brother. She always joked that I would need to name my daughter after her one day. And when the midwife told us you were a healthy little girl the joke became a reality. I'd like to think she is where you get your love for music from. She didn't sing often but she was amazing on the piano and guitar and when she did sing she could give any musician a run for their money." Angelina paused as she let her daughter take in the information she had finally been told. Roxanne smiled at not only finally getting her answers, but realising that there was a woman that she had yet to learn fully. Someone she was excited to hear more about. 

"Can you tell me more about her, about them?"

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