The Mystics

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APPEARANCE - Mystics are very slim, like a Siamese or Abyssinian cat. Their most common color is a pastel purple, blue, or pink. Some rarer colors are coral, green, orange, and any/every pastel color. The only Mystic who was a dark grey is not to be spoken of. Nobody wants to risk getting their throat cut just for one flaw in this perfect society. They have huge, pointed elf-like ears that start out bigger than their bodies when they are cubs. (Mystic cubs use their ears as blankets. It's adorable).

One thing that stands out is that the toms have a small mane running down their neck and spine. The she-cats have luminescent bulbs from their heads. Something like this picture down here.

SIZE - Larger than a normal house-cat, around the size of a snow leopard, but a little bit shorter

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SIZE - Larger than a normal house-cat, around the size of a snow leopard, but a little bit shorter.
2.5 - 4.9 ft (without tail)

Habitat/City - The world that my species is in is called Mythica. (Yes, it's just Mythical without the L, now shush.) In this world are cities and towns like we humans have. The Towns are divided (and named) based on where they live or who the colony's ruler is. The Mystics live in the capitol Crusite, one of the three main kingdoms (Uzasite & Noria Kingdom). It is in a cave full of amethyst crystals. Each shop, house, etc are dug into the walls or built out from them. The royalty live in a huge canopy above the city.

ADVANTAGES - Nobody has been able to assassinate the royals, as the council would already know and how they would be killed before hand. (Also who tried to kill them or who hired the assassin.) Mystics also are unnaturally nimble, being able to squeeze through small spaces. (Which annoys other species who unfortunately can't do the same.)

DISADVANTAGES - Haha. Lore time. Ok SO—sometimes during a new moon, when cubs are born, they will NOT have the Mary Sue traits of a mystic (and technically become an entire species. Oof.) and this accident kind of made a whole nother species that I will NOT talk about at the moment. So, yeah.

FOOD - So what do they eat? This is a little strange, but the found out how to make bread with their paws. They do hunt, but they cook it in the end. So far, the only thing they can make is sandwiches. Don't worry Mystics, I'm sure your thumbs won't be so useless in the future and you can make whatever you want! (No I'm lying they will never have usable thumbs)

LIFE-CYCLE - When a Mother is expecting cubs, she stays home and gets taken care of by assistants (and yes, every single mystic can afford assistants). A She-cat can have 2 cubs per litter max. The most litters a she-cat has ever had was four, and that was the queen who had to keep spawning in more heirs. Mystics aren't crazy about family but they do enjoy their company, and cubs are taken care for until they turn a year old and are shipped off to a boarding school. Once the cubs turn two years old, they leave and get their own jobs. Oh yeah, Jobs!

JOBS - The most common jobs are shop keepers, assistants, teachers, and things that don't really require a lot of education. However, jobs like being a doctor, guard, librarian, etc require another year or education in one specific classroom just for that one career.

ROYALS (currently)
King Lucius - A teal tom with a darker teal mane / tail tip
Queen Isabel - A lilac she-cat with white paws / antennae / tail-tip
Princess Sabrina - A pastel-indigo she-cat with white ears
Prince Sammy - A sage-green tom with a darker green mane and white tail-tip
(Duchess) Violet (Sammy's mate) - A violet she-cat with darker violet freckles on her face and spine
Lady Birdie - A yellow she-kit with violet ears and tail (Sammy + Violet)
(Duke) Sol - A pastel golden tom with a huge, darker golden mane and a white underbelly (Sabrina's mate)
Lord Henry - A golden tom-kit with white paws and a darker colored tail (Sabrina + Sol)
Lady Elizabeth - A violet and golden spotted she-kit (Sabrina + Sol)

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