The Leaflets

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APPEARANCE - Different (mostly dark) shades of orange, brown, green, red, etc (Just look at this picture down here. Try to ignore the blues, I couldn't edit them out 🥲 ). Leaflets are shorter than a Mystics and have leaf-like wings. They are strong and stocky, and have big, long bushy tails to hang onto branches. They have smaller ears but slightly longer snouts to reach apples and other fruits and nuts that grow in trees. Their toes can separate/spread out (like a human hand) and are the only species that can (somewhat) use their paws like human hands. Male Leaflets are a bit bigger and have a chin tuft (aw, they got lil goatees. They must be evil.) The females don't.

) The females don't

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SIZE - Around 2.9 - 3 ft tall (without tail) largest Leaflet ever recorded was 4 ft (without tail)

HABITAT/CITY - The Leaflets rule the Noria Kingdom. They are like the farmers of Mystica and live in villages or towns with the maximum of 1000-9000 cats. Because of their human like paws, they built houses out of apple tree bark and dried wheat. Their Capitol is Foresttown (yes, basic, I know, but that's what the Leaflets are. Basic yet nice and simple.). The Royalty live in a mansion with a HUGE apple tree garden. Leaflets absolutely worship apples. Who wouldn't?

ADVANTAGES - Leaflets can fly! And rather quickly because of their smaller size and larger wings. Because of their green thumb, they can easily create an entire garden of food that would last them years only with the things they find in the wild. Also they strong. Very strong.

DISADVANTAGES - Despite being a great asset to every-cats survival, they aren't the sharpest tool in the shed if you know what I mean. Also, their wings (being almost like leaves) are very fragile. They can't put armor on them, however, or then they can't fly. Luckily they are so important that nobody wants to hurt them. Yet.

FOOD - They also take care of animals like cows, sheep, pigs, and a large species of chickens (about the size of a small-ish dog) which they sell to other kingdoms or eat. Like the Mystics, they cook their food. Leaflets also eat and/or sell fruits, nuts, and other non-meat things.

LIFE-CYCLE - When a She-cat is expecting kits, (somewhat like the Mystics) get taken care of by family. They have around 2-5 kits per litter and can have 3 litters max. It's a lot of children. They are very family oriented and take year-long breaks (max) when a family member died. So technically for a year one or more colony/city/town/village goes hungry. They start their school when they first talk and walk up until they grow a year old and then they graduate. The only job they can have in Noria is to be a farmer. If they want any other job they have to leave their home. 😄👍

JOBS - Well, I- just a farmer. Specifically at Noria.

ROYALS (currently)
Queen Sepia - A dark brown snowshoe she-cat with brownish-amber wings.
King Pumpkin - A bright russet tom with darker colored leaf-shaped spots on his wings, back, and forehead
Princess April - A brown she-cat with russet leaf-shaped spots with lighter colored wings
Prince March - A light brown she-cat with brownish-sage green wings
Princess May - A light ginger she-cat with light brown paws and tortoiseshell marked wings
Prince Fox - A bright ginger tom with darker ginger fox markings and dark ginger wings

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