The Stagrine

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The Stagrine are large, goat-like cats who's pelt colors range from different shades of brown or grey. A little something like the picture down below, but more colors than those six. They have long, curly fur, and sharp hooves instead of paws. They have eyes like a goats too, with exceptional eye-sight. These cats have goat horns growing out of their heads (see the pattern? It's a goat-cat. A very large goat-cat.) They commonly have long muzzles, but rarely have straight horns. Instead, they have curled horns that are used as a weapon. And again, like a goat (I know, I know.) They have a thick skull which is somewhat like a helmet. Toms also have humongous manes, while the she-cats are slightly taller.

SIZE - Larger than a snow leopard, smaller than a liger (aka the biggest cat in the world

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SIZE - Larger than a snow leopard, smaller than a liger (aka the biggest cat in the world. This species is BIG.) 4.9 - 7 (max) ft (without tail)

HABITAT/CITY - This species lives in the mountainous kingdom of Uzasite. They are kinda like a hobbit, building their homes in the sides of the mountain with only their door being visible. Where a Stagrine lived depended on their nobility. The lowest of names lived on the bottom of the mountain, farthest away from the kingdoms capitol and the most prone to Mystic attacks. The more popular nobles live higher in the mountain and have larger homes. The royals live at the near top of the mountain with a huge cabin (lovingly built by the Leaflets) built into the mountain and with all of the warmth a cat needs. (As in a bunch of heaters.) The homes were made to withstand avalanches and heavy snowstorms.

ADVANTAGES - The Stagrine are extremely strong and one of the most powerful (in strength) out of all of the three species. They are very large too, and have sharp horns for weapons and thick, strong bones as armor. Their hooves help then run across tough terrain and walk along the sides of a mountain. Long ago, during a Great War, the Stagrine managed to sneak into the kingdom by simply climbing the top their stone walls away from the Mystic citizens without getting noticed! One elder (who managed to catch them) even says it was like they were walking on air.

DISADVANTAGES - They are not as nimble as the Mystics, or as handy as the Leaflets. When away from the mountains they get heat strokes (it's almost always summer) so they have to get their pelts shaved. Once they get back up the mountains they usually just get frostbite and die. Some Stagrines stayed at the bottom of the mountain and started families with lower nobles or with Leaflets (who are the closest to them) in other words, staying in the mountain is the best option.

FOOD - Unlike the other two species, Stagrine don't cook their food. They prefer it raw. What do they eat? Well it's a little awkward, but goats. (Yes, a goat-cat, I know.) but to avoid the awkwardness the more richer cats pay the Leaflets to deliver their food to them. So they also eat berries, fruits, nuts, and other farm animals. (With the Leaflets consent ofc.)

LIFE-CYCLE - Depending on what family it is, the Stagrine are NOT family people. The she-cats can have around 1-2 per litter, although who would want another? The mother is forced to take care of them until they turn a year old when they begin training. While learning the simple things like writing and math, they learn about how to fight each species and their disadvantages. From a young age, the cubs are taught how to specifically kill any Leaflet, Mystic, and their own kind.

JOBS - Assassin, guard, assistant, teacher, general, commander, other army roles

ROYALS - (Currently)

King Clay - A dark brown tom with a lighter brown underbelly, paws, and tail.
Queen Fleur - A gray she-cat with darker colored stripes
Prince Atlas - A reddish-brown tom with black stripes
Princess Fern - A light gray she-cat with snowshoe patterns (Atlas's mate)
Lady Faye - A gray and brown tortoiseshell she-cat with a spiky mane (Atlas + Fern)
Lady Aurora - A light gray she-cat with darker colored stripes (Atlas + Fern *oldest*)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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