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"Hello my name is Gale Gossip, gossiper of Ninjago City. Recently, the Mayor has announced a big event for this year's Day of the Departed! We will fill in the details later on but from what I've heard, this mysterious event will be lasting a whole 2 weeks! Everyone is so excited on what the Mayor has in stock for us this year." Was the last thing heard before the TV shut off. 

"Woah! This might be the first time in a while that Ninjago decided to host such an event!" Jay exclaimed. 

"Ehh not so sure if it's a great idea, last time they held a big festival 3 years ago, they burnt down the massive Christmas Tree down town." Replied Kai, unamused of the recent news.

"Oh c'mon Kai! How bad can it be this time??" Answered back his blue friend. "Besides it's not like anything can burn down again."

"Jay, we're literally lighting up lanterns. Houses and buildings can be burned down easily without cautious thinking." Uttered Nya to her boyfriend.

"Yeah but when did that ever happen??"

"According to my calculations, approximately 12.63 houses turn into ashes during the Day of the Departed, due to the fire hazard and un-" Zane said until Cole barged in the room holding something, perhaps.. mail?


Just by hearing the word 'candy', Lloyd without hesitation gave all of his attention to Cole.

"Go on." He said.

"Ahem...'As we all know, the Day of the Departed is to remember our ancestors and pay our respects to the ones before us. Although, I have decided to sparks things up a bit this year, to cherish the ones that are still in the present. Yes, I understand this sudden change is odd but the new generation of kids don't really understand that custom very well nowadays, so as responsible of the city, I've decided that this year, we'll try something new! The event will last for about 2 weeks and their will be a bunch of activities to part take in. On October 24th, there's gonna have a spooktacular concert, featuring The Fold, The Royal Blacksmiths, and our brand new star, Sally!  The next day, October 25th, there's gonna have a Pumpkin carving AND pie contest. 3rd place gets 50$, 2nd place gets 500$ worth of candies and 1st... A SWIMMING POOL OF SWEETS!! P.s. We recommend buying your pumpkin a day or 2 before the contest so it will make better pies. Now October 26th to October 31st, there's gonna have the "Terrifying Manor of Terybli A. Fraid"! But get ready on the last day of October, because there's gonna have a 'Trick-Or-Treat' all over Ninjago! Then from November 1st to November 10th, we'll pay our respects to our elderly like the usual tradition. P.s. Candy buffet during the whole 1st week and to add the spookiness, may all people of Ninjago dress up as something 'scary' or simply something you like. -Your Mayor, Ulysses Trustable."

Jay turned to look at Kai with a smirk on his face. 

"Okay okay, I take back what I said, this year's Day of the Departed is gonna be epic!" Kai said, accepting his defeat towards Jay. 

"Don't get me wrong, I really like the traditional version but man, I can't wait to see how this will turn out!" Nya said with enthousiasme. 

"Yeah! I'm totally down for the candy part." Cole agreed. "How about you guys?"

"I wouldn't mind a small change of event." Zane replied to Cole. 

"I wouldn't dare missing on free cand- uhm I mean on a such big event." Lloyd said, innerly face palming. 

"I might stay back, I think it would be too much to take for these old bones, plus I prefer the old fashioned way." Wu answered to Cole's question.

"I would love to come, although maybe we should go to a costume store since no one here has any 'appropriate' clothing for the event." P.I.X.A.L. suggested, left the others questioning on what to do.

"Couldn't we just go in our gi's? I mean it's faster that way, right?" Jay asked looking at P.I.X.A.L. confused.

Cole walked up to Jay, hitting him on the back of the head.  "Ow! What the heck was that for??" Yelped his best friend. "It's supposed to be spooky ya fried brains." The other best friend answered. "Ohhh right, I knew that.. Haha.." 

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