Chapter 1 The Plan

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One day at school, I walked up two of my best friends, Caroline and Taylor. They where talking about a book they read called "The Magical Touch". They said it was about a girl who turned into a witch. I thought that was a cool idea so when I got home I wrote a diary entry: In the forest long, long ago lived a girl who was really sick of fairytales. So sick, she punched all the book writers in the face. Then after a while she realised dogs are different from bunnies. The end. Good story, I thought sarcastically, what a day, and what a night it will be.

The next morning was crazy. I got up, brushed my teeth, got dress, brush my hair, and went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Some how after I ate breakfast, my bottom was stuck to my chair. My mom got the spatula and fried my butt off the chair.

When I got to school, I told my friends about the incident. After a little laughing, we got serious. "You mean to say your butt was glued the kitchen chair", Taylor asked me. I totally need serious help. After a while, I remembered the witch story Taylor and Caroline read about.

After school, instead of going home, I took a walk in the forest. After a lot of walking, I ran into a small witch's house!? I so didn't expect to see this here. Guess what I did in the next ten...

Yep, went right up to the door and knocked. And just like magic, the door flung open, in a scary way. I walked in, and saw a witch in a red baseball cap that said Red Sox. She wore a green tee that said witches rule. It was a pretty strange outfit for a witch.

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