Chapter 3 So This is What its like to be a Parent

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          That night was terrible. Taylor was up all night texting so that meant my body was awake. Which lend to Caroline kicking the bed. I didn't get any sleep.

         The next morning wasn't any better. I got up and had a sudden reaction to do jumping jacks. "Okay, who's doing jumping jacks", I said strictly. "I do them every morning, don't you", said Caroline. "No", Taylor and I answered. "Okay, I'll stop", she answered.

        After brushing my teeth with Taylor's tooth brush because she has braces and Caroline and I don't. It totally grossed me out.

         Getting dressed was hard. Taylor wanted to wear this, Caroline that. I honestly don't care. I had jeans on with a sparkling pink shirt on. Then Taylor did our hair and we went off to school.


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