Chapter one

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When Chiron summoned Nico to the Big House, Will and you were anxiously awaiting Nico's return. You had asked Nico to teach the both of you some Mythomagic so you could play together and were rudely interrupted by Austin taking Nico away. Will was just talking to you about how it was unfair that his dad only had an advantage against flying opponents as Nico ran up to you, holding his sword and a purple pouch in his hands.

"Camp is haunted." He heaved, taking a second to catch his breath.

"What do you mean Camp is haunted?" You exclaimed as Nico grabbed both your and Will's hands.

"Camp is haunted!" And everything went black.


As your senses returned to you, you noticed you were in Rachel's cave, right outside the border of camp. You blinked a few times, before you noticed both your boyfriends were already checking up on you.

"How are you doing? Feeling alright?" Will asked as he softly cupped your cheek and looked you in the eyes. You nodded, leaning into his touch as he nodded in response. You looked over at Nico, seeing distress on his face.

"Sorry, I know you don't like shadow travel, but we had to be quick." He apologized and you stood up and put a hand on his arm.

"It's alright, what's going on?" you asked, and Nico relaxed a bit.

"Long story short, Alabaster and Paolo had found these crystals," he held up a purple bag with a green string, "while they were out of camp, and using a spell of some sorts they accidentally let out the souls these crystals were holding." You slowly nodded your head, urging Nico to go on, "So, this resulted in camp being haunted, and as they were explaining this to me, the ghosts took a hold of their bodies- which honestly I did not think ghosts could do anymore, but I suppose that's why these particular ones were in these crystals."

"They got possessed?" Will asked and Nico sighed as he nodded.

"Cool!" You exclaimed, "Sucks, but still cool." You chuckled, trying to lighten the mood a bit, "Anyways, how do we fix it?" you asked, "I am assuming we can't leave camp haunted, right?"

"Can't we? I don't think it would make much of a difference as to how it is now" Nico joked, "It would be easier if anything." You laughed but Will did not join in on the jokes, however.

"I think we have a serious issue right now, loves." He sighed, being unable to hold back his smile, "I am assuming there is a strategy to this?" Nico nodded.

"We can get the ghosts back into the crystals simply by touching them with it, and if I can trust the package it came in it should seal them back into the crystals for good by using the code word 'sigillum', however," Nico grimaced, "We need to first remove them from their hosts."


By the time you had come up with some sort of strategy, it was already turning dark. Nico had listed the pros and cons of starting the rescue when it's dark, the most important pro being that the ghosts would be more visible once they were outside of their hosts. The sun was setting slowly, and it was still a few hours before curfew. You had to try and be done before then, because with the harpies on your back you could kiss your victory goodbye. With this in mind, you and Will divided the crystals between the two of you, 3 crystals each. You felt nerves creep up as a fluttering in your chest. Will quickly squeezed your arm as the both of you split apart.

You would have liked to say that the plan was simple, but a big part of it was built around assumptions and luck. Although, arguably most of demigod life was built around those two aspects. The first part of the plan had been sealing the borders around camp. At one point, with Nico losing control sometimes when he is upset, you had Alabaster teach you some easy sealing spells, to trap any undead in a temporary prison. At the time, you had feared how Nico would take it. You didn't want him to think you feared him, so as you nervously told him you did not meet his eyes. Instead of him getting angry, he softly grabbed your hand, cupped your cheek and thanked you, a small smile on his face and a bit red in the cheeks.

The Haunting of Camp Half-Blood: Poly!Solangelo x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now