Chapter four; Epilogue

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It had been a week or so since all the ghosts were eradicated. After you passed out Will had with the help of Chiron moved everyone who was not previously possessed to their respective cabins. The people who were possessed had been put in the infirmary, together with Nico and you. After this, Will promptly fell asleep on a chair in the infirmary.

You wished you could say that it was the end of the story- the ghosts were gone, and everyone was fine. Most of the possessed did not have any repercussions from their possession- although Paolo and Alabaster both had stable duty for the month for setting the ghosts free and Harley's motaur plans got busted when Will told Nyssa.

However, every so often you had cold shivers down your spine. Some days you felt the hands of the ghosts on you- holding your arms. Your dreams were haunted by their empty eyes, their cold breaths, and the incorporeal shapes. You wanted to just sleep, but when you closed your eyes to blink you saw flashes of the ghosts. Some nights you woke up staring at yourself in the mirror- except, you didn't remember getting there. Was the ghost still moving your body? Were you maybe still possessed?

You had tried to get over it- maybe it was just left-over adrenaline or something. However, as the week progressed you got more and more tired, and you could no longer shake the feeling that something more was up. You did not want to alarm the entire camp, much less your boyfriends, so you figured the safest bet was to approach Nico alone. He was the only one who could help you if you were right about your fears.

You figured you could seek Nico out after dinner, hopefully before Will sought both of you out. It was not that you did not want to see Will, but he would worry much more and you felt you just needed Nico for this. Of course if you were still possessed you would inform Will, but for now you wanted to keep it on the down low. You still weren't sure how you were going to avoid Will to speak to Nico alone, given that after dinner the three of you would always meet up.However, before you could come up with a strategy an opportunity presented itself about halfway through your infirmary shift.

"You need rest, and I am not taking no for an answer," Will cupped your cheek as he scolded you. You leaned into the warmth of his hand, closing your eyes for a second.

"Alright," you whispered.

"Don't be stub- wait," Will furrowed his eyebrows, "you just agree?" realization flashed over his face, and he quickly pulled you into a hug, burying his nose in your neck.

"Please take care of yourself. You know you can tell us if something is bothering you," Will whispered in your ear. He pressed a kiss on your neck and moved away. Your soft smile made his brain pause for a second, as he felt his heart beating fast. He had been worried, you seemed constantly tired and on edge since the haunting. You normally would object at least once when he tried to take over your shift, so for you to just agree made him worried. Will took a step back.

"Can you spend the day with Nico? If you are feeling up for it, I know he misses you." Will asked and you nodded.

"I will look for him and," you quickly looked around seeing no one, before you pressed a kiss on Will's lips, "thank you for looking out for me Will." Will smiled, his brain still catching up to the kiss.

"Anytime, (Y/n)," Will said, "now go, and remember I love you!"


Nico was sitting by his lonesome in the Hades cabin. Will had just left after voicing his worry for you, and Nico could not agree any less. He was waiting for you to show up, genuinely hoping that Will could get you to come to him.

When you entered his cabin, he had to contain himself from jumping up and dragging you down into his bed. You looked almost sickly. As you made your way closer to him, Nico petted the spot next to him on his bed. Somehow, Nico had acquired a collection of pillows and plushies perfect for cuddling in. (The way how being presents from Will, you, Reyna, Hazel, Jason- every time Nico's eyes would sparkle a little when he was presented with a new plushie. His latest addition was the Ikea shark gifted to him by Percy.)

You did sit down next to Nico, but much to his disappointment you sat rather far apart and refused to lean down into the pillows. Instead you grabbed a weighted goose plushie (dubbed Beanjamin by Will) and set it on your lap, finding comfort in its familiar weight on you. Nico slowly sat up, putting down the round cat plushie he was holding, trying to get a good look at your face. As he did, you took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"Am I still possessed?" Your question sounded blunt, but also made Nico's heart drop into his stomach.

"Why would you be?" Panicked, Nico tried to focus on the life energy in your body. It was there, just there. The familiar feeling of your soul touched him and calmed his heart.

"I keep seeing them- and shivering and-" you failed to describe the feelings as you got lost in them again. Nico's hand on your own pulled you out of the spiralling feelings.

"It's okay to still be scared of what happened," Nico squeezed your hand, "I can assure you that there is only one soul in your body- and that is yours." Nico's concerned eyes scanned your face.

"I keep sleepwalking and I have nightmares." you felt yourself deflate under Nico's gaze, "I am tired, Nico. I have barely slept since then." Nico hummed softly.

"Do you want to try sleeping now?" he slowly rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb, "I can give you some nice dreams as we cuddle."

Your shoulders sagged, your body already relaxing at the thought of a good nap with Nico.

"And you're sure I am not possessed, or in any danger?" You asked and Nico nodded.

"I am entirely, one hundred percent certain." He affirmed, "Maybe we can have a talk with Chiron about the aftereffects later? Or with Mr. D. when he is back." Nico's eyes lit up, "Have a fun little duo therapy session." He did jazz hands to bring out the teasing tone he had. You laughed softly, appreciating the effort from Nico to comfort you.

"We will see when Mr. D. is back but thank you."

Nico looked you in the eye, before slowly moving in and pressing a short kiss on your lips.

"Let's nap, shall we?"

And with that, your fears were slowly replaced by comfort and love

The Haunting of Camp Half-Blood: Poly!Solangelo x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now