Friday and The Gala

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Draco turned in bed, barely waking up and already feeling a headache starting.

Damn it, I shouldn’t have drunk so much last night.

The dinner at the Parkinsons' the night before had gone til past midnight; it had been a long and boring meal that had him accepting refills of firewhisky to help numb his irritation at the obnoxiousness of the other members of the Wizengamot that were in attendance.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the time: it was early, he had enough time to get dressed, have his breakfast and pen a letter to Hermione.

He pushed the soft navy blue comforter off of him and sat on the bed, looking to the left, where she usually slept when they were together.

“Fuck.” he let out in a whisper, whishing he was in Hogsmeade, in their bed, waking up with her in his arms.

“Eli!” He called, running a hand through his hair, massaging his temples next

“Good morning, Master.” Said the elf, apparating into the room.

“Get me a Pain Potion.”

“Right away, Master!” and Eli disapparated.

Draco threw his legs off the side of the bed and stopped, his eyes catching sight of something unexpected on his nightstand: a white envelope.

He picked it up and opened it, nearly stopping breathing as he recognized the handwriting.


I missed hearing from you last night, how was dinner?

He stared at the lack of a bottom signature in the mostly empty page and quickly realized: This is a two-way parchment!

His heartbeat sped up; that was even better than what he had been wishing for. He had hoped for a written response, she had given them an open communication way!

Draco quickly picked up a quill and started writing:

Good morning, my love

Dinner was a bore, as expected. Pansy’s usually at those but not last night. So it was a night discussing bills and laws with five snobs and their wives. Truly awful.

He waited for a reply, but it didn’t come right away. So he got dressed, downed the Pain Potion Eli gave him, and went to the kitchen.

Only when he was already at the breakfast table, he saw a new message had appeared:

Pansy was at mine’s with Ginny and the boys.

Draco immediately wrote: Boys?

Hermione replied: Blaise, Harry and Theo – the latter two are finally engaged, by the way. Theo said ‘yes’ last night. Have you spoken to him today?

Draco wrote: No. He’s either not here or sleeping.

H: Good.

He found both her question and her reply weird – why was she interested in whether or not had he talked to Theodore?

D: Why is it ‘good’?

H: Something happened last night.

And that was getting even weirder, he quickly wrote back:

D: What happened?

No reply.

Draco knew that insisting Hermione told him what the hell had happened would only make her angry and wouldn’t get him anywhere.

Ending The Sacred Twenty-Eight (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now