How It All Started

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Some might find it weird, that a girl loves football so much. It never bothered me. I grew up surrounded by football. It became more intensive when my younger brother started to train. About 7 years ago.
Mandzo caught my eye about four (almost five) years ago. When he first played for the Croatian National Team.
No one really thought that I will love and support him this long. My mum always says that I'm the kind of person that doesn't give up easily. She's right. But, thanks to Mario, I learned that it is the right thing. If you want something really hard, go for it.

xx I kinda felt the need of sharing my story w/ someone, even though I did this a few times already😂.
However, I just want to prove that dreams really do come true.
More of getting to know Mario in next chapter. It's going to be a bit longer, I guess.

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