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Sᴏʟᴀɴɢᴇ Aᴘᴏʟʟᴏ Jᴀᴍᴇs
(excuse any mistakes.)

Inhaling in the smoke from my blunt I listened to the conversation these niggas were having. I really shouldn't be out here anyways, but niggas dragged me out the house, literally.

Shaking my head I watched as my brother went back and forth with one of his many flings.

"Bitch I don't care damn ! Fuck out my face." Jakaii said.

Laughing I choked on the smoke that was in my mouth.

"Fuck you laughing at gay ass bitch !" Imani said. See the thing with Imani is that the bitch used to be my friend, but she valued niggas over our friendship, causing us to fallout.

"You." I said nonchalantly.

"Bitch do you wanna fight !?" She yelled unnecessarily loud.

I smiled and pulled my gun from my waistband and waved it around. She mugged me and ran off.

"Dumb ass bitch kilt my high." I said.

"You is one scary ass bitch." Jakaii said.

"Shut up."

Jakaii was my half brother, we had different moms. Gladly our moms were able to put their problems aside after our daddy died. Jakaii was along side me in this drug shit. Neither of our moms liked it.

"You wanna go slide by mawmaw ?" I asked.

"YES !" He said.

I mugged him, "Calm down nigga.."

He mushed my head, "Shut up I ain't seen mawmaw in forever."

"We went by her house last week..." I said.

"Like I said, ain't see her in forever." He rolled his eyes.

Sassy ass nigga I swear.

"Whatever, bring your dumb ass on." I said.


"My babies ! Y'all never come see lil ol' me anymore." My maw said. Her and Jakaii just alike, we literally came here last week.

"Maw we came here last week.." I said.

"Like I said." My maw said. Just sassy as hell.

"Same shit I said maw." Jakaii said.

"Watch your mouth. Anyways what y'all doing here ?" My maw said.

Lady was just saying how we don't come see her, now she asking why we here.

"Just stopping by maw." Jakaii said.

"Still in them streets eh ?" Maw asked.

Me and Jakaii put our heads down nodding.

Sighing, "Well I can only wish the best for y'all." She said.

"Now enough of this talk, y'all come eat."
We was eating and talking, catching up the past week basically.

"Ooo that reminds me I got somebody I want y'all to meet." Maw said.

I scrunched my face up, "Who ?"

There was a knock at the door, maw got up to go answer it.

Walking back to the dining area, there was some nigga behind her.

"This is Zyair, he Miss Shirley grandson." Maw said.

"I never knew Miss Shirley had a grandson." Jakaii said.

"I'm Jakaii and this my sister Solange."

Zyair nodded his head, "Wassam."

"Wassam." I said.

"You just so niggerish." Jakaii said.

"Shut up." I mugged him.

"Anyways, Zyair gone be coming around a lot now, Shirley old ass want him to get out the house." Maw said.

I bust out laughing, she ain't have to say that about Miss Shirley.

"Now maw, why you clowning Miss Shirley like that." Jakaii said.

"Her old ass owe me $10." Maw said.

Zyair chuckled, "Not too much on my mawmaw now, and you know you ain't never getting that $10 back."

Cute voice ass nigga.

Maw rolled her eyes, "I bet I will get them $10 back, even if I have to punch her hip out."

"Maw..." I laughed.

"Y'all think i'm playing ? Y'all gone see." She pointed her finger at us.

She crazy.

"Ight I think it's time for us to head out now." I said.

"Alright, get home safe I love y'all." Maw said.

"We will, we love you too maw." Me and Jakaii said.

Jakaii slapped hands with Zyair. Yeaaa they gone be close.

"Ight lil nigga." Jakaii said.

"Bye." I said.

Zyair nodded his head at us, guess he don't talk alot.


"Ight, be safe lil bald head ass girl." Jakaii said slapping my head.

"Nigga get out my damn car." I said.

"You mean." He mugged me.

"So." I said.

He rolled his eyes. Crybaby bitch.

"All love lil nigga." I said slapping hands with him.

"All love." He said.

He got out the car, I waited for him to get in the house before pulling off.

Heading to my 3 bed 2 bath house, which I stay in by myself. Might else well just get a apartment.

Stepping in my house I slid my shoes off and made my way upstairs to my room. I was full from eating at maw's house.

I went to my bathroom and turned on the shower. Grabbing my essentials I took my long awaited shower.


After my shower I got comfortable in my bed. Deciding I wanted to smoke I grabbed a pre rolled blunt and lit it.

Inhale and exhale is all I know.

Letting my high take over, I drifted into my thoughts, something that was normal for me.

Another night with me and my thoughts.


wc: 842

first chapter down.

Jᴀᴋᴀɪɪ Gᴇɴᴇsɪs Jᴀᴍᴇs (23)

Jᴀᴋᴀɪɪ Gᴇɴᴇsɪs Jᴀᴍᴇs (23)

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