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"If you were a human, what animal would you be?" A high Jakaii asked.

"Nigga what?" Jakari mugged him.

Jakaii took another pull from the blunt, "If you were a human, what animal would you be?"

Solange burst into a fit of laughter. They were in the car hotboxing, their highs already kicking in.

"That doesn't even make sense, do you hear yourself? Slow ass nigga bruh." Jakari sighed.

"Bruh do you mean, if you were an animal which one would you be?" Solange wiped under her eye.

"Nah, if you were a human, what animal would you be?" Jakaii asked once again.

"Nigga we are already human. All you have to ask is, "What animal would you be?" Jakari mugged his brother.

"Yeah Yeah, so what animal would y'all be?"

"Ever since I watched Moana I've had this obsession with becoming a Stingray." Jakari said.

"Nah real shit tho, I'd be one too." Jakaii agreed.

"I think i'd be a Leopard." Solange nodded to herself. "They so raw."

"What y'all finna get into?" Jakaii asked.

"Nigga it's 2 in the morning, ain't nun to get into but a bed." Jakari said.

Jakaii nodded, "You right, we gone drop you off first cause your underaged ass was supposed to been home."

Solange was very tired to say the least, she had just got done packaging almost 200 orders by herself.

Solange was at home by herself, Rod was booked up with clients at the barbershop. Sometimes she wished that they weren't hard workers, if they weren't so busy they would spend more time together.

Solange would often sit and think about their future together. He had given her a promise ring, and she gladly accepted it, but sometimes she felt as if she was too old for a promise ring. Why not just give her an engagement ring? She knows the promise ring is a promise that Rod will propose, but she often has doubts that he will.

What if he's too busy to remember to propose? What if he gets too comfortable with the thought that a promise ring is enough? What if he falls out of love with me?

These are questions that Solange often has, though Rod hasn't given her any reason to doubt him, she couldn't help but overthink. Overthinking is natural to those who thinks that everything is too good to be true.

Sighing to herself, Solange thought that she should take a nap to rid herself of her anxious mind.

Rod was finishing up on his last client, he couldn't wait to go home and lay next to Solange.

Rod felt as though getting to go home to a woman like Solange was a blessing. Lord knows that he prayed and prayed to find someone of his own in a fucked up world like this one.

Rod also feels the same as Solange, he wished that they weren't so busy all the time. Rod is a very clingy person, he wants to lay up under Solange 24/7 and treat her to anything that she desires because she deserves everything and more.

"Ight and i'm done." Rod said dusting off the excess hair from his clients head and removing the cape from around him.

"Fasho, preciate it." His client got up and dusted his pants off. "How much again?"

"$30." Rod said.

After paying his client left, leaving Rod in a quiet and empty shop since it was closing time. Rod swept the floor and wiped down the shop very quickly, he was in a rush to go and grab food and head home.

Rod walked out the shop, making sure that the lock was locked. He hopped in the car and waiting a minute so that the cold air could push through the small vents.

He pulled out of the parking spot and began driving to the nearest Chic-Fil-A.

Rod walked into the house being welcomed by a comfortable silence. He figured Solange was sleep, he knew she had many orders. She was up way before it was time for him to leave the house.

He placed his shoes by the door, knowing that Solange would have a fit if he tracked dirt around the house.

He walked up the stairs and made it into their shared bedroom. The light from the tv illuminated Solange's curvy figure that was curled up under the covers. Rod placed their food on the nightstand and slightly shook her until she woke up.

He planted gentle kisses over her face.

Solange yawned and then smiled, "Hey baby."

"Wassam love, I got some food." Rod said grabbing the bag.

"Ouuu, you got my spicy deluxe?" Solange sat up quickly, her being extremely hungry since she hasn't ate all day.

"Mhm." Rod handed her the bag.

Solange ate her food silently watching Rod move around the room. She wondered if she should bring up her doubts to him, part of her wanted to because relationships are built on communication and comprehension. The other part of her didn't want to, because she was afraid it would end in an argument.

Swallowing her pride she set her food to the side and took a sip of her lemonade.

"Baby.." Solange called.

Rod paused taking off of his jewelry, "Wassup baby."

Solange played with her fingers out of nervousness, "Can I talk to you about something?"

Rod scrunched his eyebrows up at her tone which made him begin to overthink.

"Yeah, lemme take this off real quick." Rod said, removed the gold chain from around his neck.

Rod made his way towards the bed and laid down on his stomach with his face in his hands, giving his full attention to Solange. "Wassup?"

Rod could practically feel the high amount of anxiety coming from his girlfriend.

Solange sighed and ripped the sticky bandaid off, "Do you actually wanna marry me? Like really want to?"

Rod paused. He opened his mouth just to close it right back. This made Solange immediately regret bringing this up.

In reality, Rod paused because he was confused. He was confused on where this was coming from. He wondered if he did something to make her think that way.

Rod placed his hands over Solange's moving fingers, "Solange I want to marry you, and I will marry you. You're the only person I see myself being with until the day i'm laid to rest. I prayed for you, and God gave me you, I vow to keep you."

Solange wiped the tear that fell from her eye, "I'm sorry, i've just been overthinking a lot lately. All of this is really new to me."

"It's okay baby, that's natural. I just want you to know that I love you, so deeply and nothing could ever change that." Rod wiped her tears.

"I love you too." Solange smiled.

"Gimme a kiss." Rod motioned her with his finger.

Solange leaned down and placed a longing kiss on his lips.

"I love you."



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