Chapter one. Business is open!

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Now that you know who the Emilys and Aftons are, let's get into the whole lore.

This chapter takes place from somewhere before 1983 until 1983. William and Henry Emily started working together in 1973 when both men teamed up and helped with Aftons robotics. The first two animatronics were made and were named FredBear and SpringBonnie, Soon after these two robots were made, The two men opened their first restaurant together named Fredbears Family Diner. Business took off a few weeks or days after opening, Afton being the owner and Emily being CO Owner. Williams youngest son CC's birthday was due in 1983 and William wanted CC to spend his birthday there. CC was afraid of his father's animatronics based off of the designs. It wasn't all because of the designs but also because of his oldest brother Michael. Michael is the protagonist of 3 chapters of this story including this one. William had made masks for Michael which Michael ended up giving 3 others to his friends. These masks were of 4 characters. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Bonnie. Michael would use these masks to his advantage using them to tourment CC. This went on for ages including a week before CC's birthday. William gave CC a fredbear plush as an early birthday present. CC took his bear everywhere he could and would even hold it at night when going to bed. The day of his birthday came and he was not excited. CC kept his distance from the animatronics as far as he possibly could. Hiding in the restrooms, under tables, etc. Michael and his friends planned a prank about a week before the party. This prank would be where Michael and his friends would take CC up to fredbear to scare him, but that prayer would end up being tragic. CC was going table to table trying to hide from the group of 4 until they found him. They picked him up and took him to the stage where fredbear would be preforming that day. They held him up and put his head into the animatronics mouth when all of a sudden. It bites down and causes a fatal injury causing to bite the Childs frontal lobe off. William was not aware of this prank until he heard the customers scream in horror. William ran out to see his eldest son and friends standing there not saying a word. William ran up and took CC out of Fredbears mouth checking his pulse and heartbeat. Both were weak. Meanwhile Henry also heard the screams and went to check what was going on. Once he saw William holding a child covered in blood he immediately called 911.
William soon let Henry handle the situation as he started yelling at Michael for what he had done. When paramedics arrived they rushed CC to the hospital where it was confirmed he was in a coma. Soon after this event Fredbears Family Diner was closed.

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