Chapter 4- Closing in

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Ginger wakes up late Monday morning. Its 9:45 a.m she knows that she was suppose to be on set at 8:00 a.m but for some reason her alarm didn't go off. She calls the producer and informs him what happened. She knows it doesn't look good on her considering she was the newbie and she hadn't been there long enough to gain trust with everyone. She throws on some sweat pants and a long t-shirt and  black sparkly Uggs and runs out the door. She catches a taxi to the film set.

As she arrives she is approached by Katie who has a big smile on her face,"Hey Gin," She gives her a big bear hug. "Have you heard the latest?"

Ginger returns the hug and says, " No what's up girl."

Katie replies, " Well I am sure that you have noticed how close Emily and Colton are?"

Ginger responds timidly trying not to show jealously, " Kind of."

Katie, " Well they officially announced at cast meeting today that they are dating."

Ginger's heart stops for a second. She feels sick to her stomach. She doesn't understand why because Colton and her aren't together. She had no reason to be jealous but yet she was feeling the most jealous she had in her whole life. She looks at Katie and says," Awwe I am happy for them!!!! They are such a cute couple." She grits her teeth as she finishes this statement. That was not what she wanted to say. She wanted to say, " But he's suppose to be mine," But she decided against that. Afterall, she didn't want to give the creeper vibe to her new found friends and fellow cast members.

Emily, after filiming concluded for the day, approached Ginger," Hey girl. Did you hear our news?" Colton is with her holding her hand in his.

Ginger responds fake smiling, " Yes Katie told me this morning. Congrats you guys. I am really happy for you."

Emily smiles and extends an invitation, " Do you want to go out with Colton and I tonight? We are going bowling."

Ginger smiles and declines, " I'm not feeling to well tonight. It's that time of the month you know and I just think it'd be best to order take out and just relax at the hotel. Thank you though guys. I will defiantly take you up on the offer next time." Her reasoning for declining the invite is simple, she doesn't want her jealousy to be shown out in the open and she has never liked being the third wheel on dates.  

Emily and Colton say they understand and give Ginger a hug and waltz out to head to the bowling alley. Ginger is collecting her things when she hears a familiar voice from the door frame, " Hey stranger. What are you plans for the night?" The voice is Stephen.

Ginger looks up nervously, " I was actually just going to order take out for myself and chill in my room. Why?"

  Stephen laughs," Well I had an idea! We haven't hung out a lot and I want to make you feel like you truly are apart of the Arrow family. Your a really nice girl and I think it'd be fun if we hung out. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to see a movie, just as friends of course because I am married."

Ginger is blown away by this request, " Uhm.. that sounds like a terrific idea. What movie do you have in mind?"

Stephen smiles," I was hoping we could go to the 10 o'clock show of Avengers Age of Ultron."

Ginger smiles, " Oh my gosh I love the Avengers."

Stephen, " Alright well do you need to go back to the hotel and freshen up or are you ready to go? We can grab dinner afterwards."

  She tries to hide how happy she is, " No I will go as is."

Upon arrival at the movies, Stephen is a complete gentleman. He holds the doors for her, carries her drink for her, and pays for everything. Even though he is a friend she has never experienced this type of treatment and she really likes it. During the movie, Stephen and Ginger bond conversing about the awesome parts they enjoy. They choose to go to Olive Garden after the movie. At Olive Garden they are sitting at the table waiting on their waiter then the man  approaches. The waiter is tall with a rough face he asks, " What can I get you to start with?" He directs his question only at Ginger ignoring Stephen as if he is invisible. This makes her uncomfortable and nervous.

Stephen answers the man sternly, " I want champagne please and for the lady she wants the same. " He says that while making eye contact with her as she nods.

The waiter still ignores Stephen, " Mam that sound good?"

Ginger says, " Yes that is fine."

  After the waiter leaves Stephen says, " I am sorry for that guy. I don't think he's an Oliver Queen fan. I guess I get annoying at the opening when I continuously remind people what my name is." They share a laugh over this.

She smiles and jokes back, " Well I mean not everyone can handle Oliver Queen. He is just so sinceriosuly awesome people get jealous."

  Stephen smirks, " That was a good one. So tell me a little about yourself Gin. Who is Ginger Bridges?"

She kind of grins as the waiter brings their drinks, " Well I graduated head of my class. I went to school for Journalism. I worked back home in Atlanta for a newspaper. It had crappy pay and crappy hours but it was one of my many passions. I did some modeling when I was fresh out of College. It didn't really go anywhere. I had a rough childhood came from a broken home. I'm honestly a nerd and I never thought I would land a role on my favorite television show."

Stephen admires her story, " You sound like a real life Felicity Smoak. Which is not a bad thing. You sound like a woman who sets her mind to things and goes after them. I like that a lot. My wife's that way. She is an incredible wife and mother. I have a 1 year old, Mavi. She is perfect but shes a mess. You will have to meet her sometime."

She smiles really big, " I have seen several pictures of her. She is gorgeous. I would love to meet her and your wife too. Stephen, I want to thank you for dinner and the movie tonight. I really needed something. I was kind of feeling down in the dumps."

Stephen questions, " No problem, like I said anytime you need someone I am here. Why were you down sweetie?"

She sighs," Well, I had a crush on a guy and he recently got a new girlfriend before I could even make a move."

Stephen responds with a weird look, "Oh anyone I might know?"

She responds," Just a guy from the bar. You wouldn't know him."

Stephens phone rings abruptly during dinner he answers because its a strange number, " Hello. ....... Yes this is Mr.Amell. ...... What????........ Was Mavi hurt??????...... How in the hell????.... Thanks for informing me. " The call ends and Stephen stares off into space and in shock.

She looks at him worried, " Stephen, is something wrong?"

Stephen looks at her teary eyed, " Ca...r.r.r...rrr accident." He can barely get the words out. " Gin will you take care of the directors for me I got to go home. Im sorry."

She replies," Of course I will. Take care of what you need to."

Stephen kisses her cheek and rushes out almost as fast as The Flash on the show. Ginger sits there extremely worried not sure what happened. She heads to her apartment where she can't get Colton and Stephen out of her mind. She drifts off to sleep that night with images of Stephen's tears in his eyes and she can't rest properly.

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