Chapter 5- The Aftermath

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Ginger wakes up the night after Stephen abruptly left from dinner. She checks her phone and sees she has a text message from Stephen that says, " Call me when you wake up please. It is urgent"  She dials his number worried about what might be wrong. She replays the conversation she heard him having on the phone. The phone rings 3 times then Stephens voice comes from the other end, " Gin."

She answers back, " Yes it's me. Are you alright? What's going on?"

His voice cracks a little as he starts to sob and takes a deep breathe, " The... the call .... I  got last night..... Well my wife she..... her and Mavi were in a bad car accident. Cassandra is in the hospi...ta..lll. She is not doing well Gin at all."

She doesn't know what to say she's worried about her friend she decides to say, " Stephen what do you need me to do sweetie? I'll do anything."

He says, " Will you let the producers know what's going on and the rest of the cast? Also I hate to ask but I can't do this on my own and I feel this weird connection with you. Would you mind flying out and sitting with Mavi? I trust you and I really need someone that can watch her, so she doesn't have to be at the hospital. Please Gin."

She smiles a little, " Stephen of course I will. No need to ask twice. Let me tie up the loose ends here for you and myself and I'll catch the first flight out. Text me directions to the hospital."

Stephen sighs in relief, " Thank you so much. Words can not express my gratitude. I'll see you soon."

She responds, " Alright see you soon. Stay strong." The call ends and she starts getting ready she messages Katie and Emily letting them know what is occurring and lets them know she's flying out. She asks Katie to inform the producers of their absences. She realizes that she should do this her self but Stephen sounded very broken over the phone and like he needed a friend and she wants to catch the earliest flight out. Katie tells her she will take care of it and they all send their well wishes to Cassandra and prayers to Stephen. Ginger boards her flight and receives a text shortly before landing of the information for the hospital. She sleeps most the flight away but when she lands she collects her belongings and then she waits impatiently  for a taxi cab at the airport.

Its been about 3 hours since she spoke to Stephen when he called. They have texted a bit since then but she doesn't have an update on how Cassandra is doing so she's a bit worried for Stephen's sake even though she doesn't know Cassandra personally. She arrives at the hospital and she goes up to the room number that he gave her. She knocks on the door. She hears Stephen's tired voice, " Come in." She enters and sees Stephen sitting with Mavi in his lap. Mavi's wearing a onesie that says, My daddy's the arrow. Stephen smiles a little when Ginger comes to his side, " Thank you for coming Gin." Mavi giggles and coo's.

Ginger responds, " I have absolutely no problem coming. I took care of everything on set for you. Katie, Willa, Colton, and Emily send there regards for you and your family. How are you and most importantly how is she?" She looks over at Cassandra in the hospital bed who seems to be in a coma. Her face looks rough and there's a lot of bruises and abrasions.

Stephen responds with a sad face, " I'm holding up fairly well. Right before you got here the doctor came in, he informed me that Cassandra is technically brain dead. They said there isn't much they can do," A tear streams down his cheek and he sighs, " I'm just praying she pulls through not just for me but for Mavi," He looks at his little girl in his lap and runs his finger across her face.

Ginger feels horrible inside for Stephen she can't imagine the feelings he's having inside. " Stephen, I am so sorry. I am here for you though. Do you need anything?"

Stephen sighs, " I really I don't know. I know this little one is getting restless. She hasn't slept much. She wasn't hurt at all during the crash thank god but she is pretty uncomfortable. Could you take her for a bit? Just hold her. My arms asleep. I Love her a lot but I'd like a little bit of time to talk to Cassandra?"

Ginger responds quickly, " Oh my gosh yes. I would love to spend some time with that little princess." She bops Mavi on the nose and takes her in her arms. " Does she have any allergies or anything I should know about and has she eaten?"

Stephen smiles, " No allergies and she ate about an hour ago. The diaper bags over there. If you need to you can go back to my house I can give you the address and you can play and stuff with her there. I'm sure she will be more comfortable there then here in this place."

Ginger smiles, " I think we will go to a park for a little bit. Get this little princess some sunshine," She tickles Mavi who instantly takes to her. " If you think of anything you might need Stephen do not hesitate alright. I am here for you and this little princess."

Ginger and Mavi arrive at a park. They play for about an hour and then Mavi gets cranky. Mavi starts crying and so Ginger takes her back to Stephens house. He texted the address while they were still at the park. While at the house Ginger feeds herself and Mavi and puts Mavi down for a nap. She sits down on the couch trying not to prowl or go through things in their home. After all this is the first time she's visited. Her phone rings and she answers, " Hello." Stephen's voice comes over the phone. " Gin, can you come b..a...c....kkk. They they. Cassandras Dead......"

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