Part Nine

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I'm coming up with some more ideas for stories featuring horror movie icons, urban legends and FNAF along several other horror themed video games. There in the Ideas and Upcoming book if you want to check them out yourself. 

Now back to the story:

After the disastrous morning, Leni decided to take a walk outside...hopefully to get some time outside of the house. It's clear that out of all of the family, she was the only one who at least tried to change. Lily didn't need to change herself mainly cause she grew to be an independent young woman who hated her entire family (except for herself). It's not really surprising to anyone who listened to the story of their downfall. The story where their family sent away two wrongly accused siblings to a camp which lead to their own demise. 

As soon as she thought that, guilt slowly started to sink into her again. She should've done something...anything to stop her family's plans. If she did then maybe her family wouldn't be so broken as it is today., it's too late to think about the possibilities if they didn't send Luan and Lincoln away. 

It already happened and now they had to live each day wondering what could've been. Shaking her head, Leni decided to go to a nearby park to clear her head unaware that she was being watched.

"So that's one of our targets?" One of them mused. 

"If she wasn't so easily influenced by the rest of her family then yes. Instead we need to capture her and make her into one of our servants." Another one said. 

"Why can't we do that now again? She's alone so..." The third said before the second woman spoke again.

"If we do that then our beloved's revenge won't go as planned. The last thing we need is to get the attention of the Louds and risk them stopping us. However, he never said that we can mess with them." She said which earned some smirks.

"We just need to leave the youngest one alone and do less that miss future servant over there." The first girl said while coming up with a plan that will make the Louds miserable.

Speaking of which, Lily continued on her day while avoiding all of her sister's (minus Leni) and parent's attempts to talk. Did they seriously think after judging Clyde and Stella to be murderers that she would like to talk to them? Ugh. It's pathetic. She would rather spend time in her room, but when she arrived....she saw a strange doll on the bed.

"Great. This must be another attempt to get me to forgive them again." She muttered to herself before noticing a note close to the doll. It read:

Dear Lily,

I'm giving you this special doll who will help you get your greatest desire. Don't worry, she won't target Leni, but the rest of the family is fair game.

Hope you enjoy.


Lily raised her eyebrow when she noticed when she noticed that it wasn't signed. It did raise questions, but she couldn't throw this doll away. Especially since whoever sent her this doll could be watching her at this moment. Speaking of the seems like her name is Annabelle. Pretty name despite being a pretty creepy doll. 

"If this can get the others to leave me alone. Then what do I have to lose." She said as she set Annabelle down and got up to grab a book. As she did so, she hardly noticed that the doll turned her head towards the door...waiting for the change to give the rest of this family...a first taste of their own personal hell.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter....Bye 👋

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