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Sorry about the scrambled updates last night! I was an emotional wreck and wasn't posting clearly. I've been trying to fix the order of it all. Until everything is fixed. Enjoy this short filler.


I'm outside the elementary school waiting for them to dismiss. It's there last day of school thank God. I was missing chilling with my lil princess. I know this weekend will be hard for her. Sunday makes it one year since I meet her. One year since Lia died and my unborn. Simply thinking about it makes me depressed, but honestly it feels like I've been like this for years. Who knows. Maybe it wa-. My thoughts were cut off by Bria slamming her door. I looked at her and glanced in the backseat at TJ. He looked kinda roughed up and his face was red as hell.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing." She mumbled

"Bria, that wasn't just nothing!" He spat (AN: I said spat because if you've seen a little kid get mad, they kinda spit while yelling.)

"Well it was for me." She scoffed

"It wasn't for me. Uncle Bre! This boy pulled her hair then started talking about how his dad fucked miss Lia so hard she died! Then when I told him to shut up, he punched me. So I hit him back!" TJ snapped then sat back roughly putting his seat belt on.

"Who the hell is this kid?"

"Some dude named C-... That's him!" TJ yelled and got out the car before I could. He started running towards the boy who was walking to a car. I had to run and catch TJ before we all be out here wildin'. I finally was able to scoop him up in my arms, but not fast enough. He knocked the kid in his shit.

"TJ calm down!"

"No! He hurt Bria!"

"YO! Why the fuck yo Brat ass kid hit my muhhfuvkin' son fa'?" Some nigga started snapping. As the man approached I noticed the roach. It was ReeRee cousin, Chance. He went by Ace tho. This nigga has always hated me and obviously finna hate me some more.

"Fuck all of that shit. Why the fuck ya kid bullying my daughter for?"

"Dad, just leave it alone!" Bria yelled from behind me. I half way turned to her while putting TJ down.

"Both of yall go the car." I demanded.

"Oh, shit. If it ain't little Bria." He interrupted while a slick ass smirk grew on his face.

"If you don't wipe that fucking smirk off your motherfuckin' face, I swear I'll wipe that shit off for you."I snapped only making him laugh.

"If I had her once, what makes you think I can't get her again, if you know what I mean." I saw tears running from Bria's pretty little eyes then saw red. Now I know why Lia never let us know she had a kid. Sick motherfvckahs like him. This happy and beautiful little girl had the worst luck. And I thought my luck was shit.

When the red went away, I was on top of him bustin' his face in while he was leakin' and begging for help. A few parents were yelling for me to stop, so I did. He laid there whining and crying.

"If I hear anything about you or ya disrespectful ass son near mines again, you'll feel me forreal." I said then walked away with Bria and TJ in tow. We got in the car and pulled off before any police could get there. The car was silent until we got to Trip's house. Trip and Tink were sitting in the yard on a lawn blanket playing with the twins.

"Come on. We staying here tonight." I mumbled before getting out of the car. Tink's laugh stop and she stood up.

"What happened? Oh my God. Are you okay?" She panicked rushing over to us. Trip stood up with a baby on each side of him and made his way to us.

"I need to talk to yall before I add a body to my count." I mumbled, but loud enough for them to hear. Tink wiped away Bria's tears before picking her up like a baby and grabbing TJ's hand. His anger cooled off, but mine hadn't. Tink walked a head of Trip and me. Once we were in, Tink took the kids to the kitchen.

"Wanna explain why my kid look like he been fighting, Bria crying and you covered in somebody blood talking about pulling out dusty fucking bullets?" Trip spoke while rocking side to side.

"He touched my daughter man. His fucking son talked to her like she ain't shit then had to audacity to bring Lia into this. He said 'If I had her once, what makes you think I can't have her again.' Then laughed in my face. I whooped his ass and I want him dead." Trip stopped rocking and his jaw clenched. Tink walked in looking pissed.

"So, how you wanna merk this nigga?" She asked with a straight face. "I always knew Ace was fucked up, but I never thought he would stoop to that." She added. Trip was silent. I knew what this meant.

"I guess it's time to turn the city upside down one last time." He mumbled then walked upstairs with the sleeping twins. Tink starred at me then looked at my knuckles.

"Go shower and change. Bria is already traumatized I don't want to make it worse." She mumbled then walked back to the kitchen. I took her advice and went up stairs. I found some KD Brand joggers I left over here with a tee shirt, boxers, and a pair of Nike socks. I grabbed some towels then went to the bathroom. After making sure the shower was hot, I stepped in it. Showers were always my place of peace aside from music. I could think, scream, and in this case cry. I just stood there crying at the fact that Bria can never really catch a break. If it isn't one thing, it's another. Lia trusted me with Bria and I feel like I only put her in harms way. After this, I'm getting her out of here. I want her to have a real fresh start and be normal. Like be a Girl Scout, have friends, go to sleepovers, and all that shit. Here, all she can get is constant memory of being hurt.

I wash the blood off of me and go out. I bleached the tub, cleaning it, then got dressed. Shit was going to change. It had to.



"Aye, Fai. I need a favor."


"Oldie. 10"



"Ight. 10"

I had to call the only person I know who would be down with this. Faith is my R.O.D when it comes to shit like this. It's been years and she still remember the code. Oldie is what we call the safe house out East. Midnight is what we call it when we wear all black. We say Holy dawn when we gotta wear white, but that's a rarity. I cut my car lights before turning onto the road that led to Oldie. When I pulled in around back, I saw Faith leaning against her car in baggy sweats and Black mask in her hand. I cut my car off and got out. I noticed her over sized, all black timbs.

"Why they big for?"

"Just in case things get messy. You know we don't have a cleaning crew no more and I don't want them tracking a female size 7 shoe print. Instead a size 9 wide in men. I know you wear men's any way, so we good. But what's plan and target?"


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