His Faith

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When T explained to me everything, I literally cried. That little girl has been through so much in such little time it's amazing how she's even able to smile. Ace needed his balls chopped off and fed to him. I hate rapist with everything in my. Whether just touched it or did more, she still didn't deserve it. No one does.

We're standing in his room while he's sleeping with a used needle beside him. I shook my head in disgust. We started screwing the silencers in our guns when we heard a door creak. We stopped and looked at each other. I slowly walked out into the hallway and saw a little kid. He was around Bj's age with short, curly, black hair. He was a bit taller than Bj and much lighter. He looked tired and had a black eye.

"Who are you?" He mumbled lowly. I looked back a Tink who just shook her head. She turned around and sent two through Ace's skull. I put my gun up and walked towards the kid. He had bruises all over him and smelled horrible. I felt bad for the boy.

"Pack a bag." I spoke in a muffled tone. He just stood there looking scared and confused. He put his hand to his ear then repeated his question. That's when I realized he was deaf. I walked past him into the room he came out of and saw a beat up cot on the floor. There were piles of clothes every where and there were a gazillion holes in the wall. I grabbed a backpack from the corner and started stuffing clothes in it. He really didn't have much of his own. Everytime I looked at him, he was starring at me blankly. What the hell am I doing.


I was in the kitchen cooking with Faith. She decided to stay here after checking with Ant and the kids.

"It smell good as fuck in here." Trip spoke while stretching. Fai laughed and started setting the table. "Faith, I know you got yo own house."

"Boy, shut up."

"Nah, but forreal. Tinkahh, you didn't come back here last night after you 'went to the store.'" He spoke while leaning against the counter beside me. I shrugged my shoulders as I turned the stove off. I made Pancakes and eggs. Faith made the bacon and orange juice earlier with the help of Vellie big ole, pregnant ass.

"Just know, they came back. Handle they business. Went back to normal." I said not making eye-contact.

"Tina Marie."

"Trist Mau'ron." (Mur-ron) He gave me that knowing look and nodded. He sighed deeply.

"T, he's up." Faith spoke as the kid walked in the kitchen. He stood at the doorway, in the same clothes he had on last night. He didn't look scared, just out of place. Trip looked at like I had two heads.

"Who the fuck is this?!" Trip snapped lowly. I glanced at the kid as he fiddled with something in his ear.

"He won't say anything besides 'Who are you?' and 'Where are we going?'"

"I'm deaf." He spoke. We all looked at him. "Did you kill my dad?" I froze. I know I wasn't in his view when I offed Ace. I looked at Faith who looked just as shocked as me. "Is it wrong that I hope you did?" He asked looking at Faith. She shook her head no and he nodded. "Where am I?"

"My house. " Trip answered.

"Are you going to put me in Foster care?" He asked almost in tears. Faith went over to him and wiped his tears.

"You don't have to go anywhere you don't want to." She assured him.


I started plating the food while it was still warm. Bria came down stairs in a Steven's Universe themed pajama set. She glanced at me and smiled, but it faded once she looked at the kid sitting at the table eating silently. She slowly walked over to him. He had stopped eating and looked at her with a guilty expression. I just looked at him.

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