what I'm planning

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Snape didn't get killed because he had a chance to live which he chose too because he knew that Draco's parents will not be able to survive the war so he stayed..
Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy
They both died in the war as narcissa betrayed Voldemort by telling him Harry was dead when Voldemort heard this he was angered and wanted to kill her but couldn't than when vlodemort was fighting with Mr potter and the curse hit narcissa which was the cause of her death.
Lucius death was even more,gory as his was getting killed and eaten by a werewolf( greyback's army basically) he died at the hands (or should I say paws) of a werewolf and gotten eaten and his bones are what is remaining of him..

Hogwarts headmistress is obv McGonagall and potion master is still slughorn  snape is teaching DADA but he changed for the better :)

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