about him

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so this is things about him

so his fake name here is dave
and his name that we often call him is hantu
so this is based on a real story
my story

his left handed
his one year older than me
he plays badminton sometimes
his birthday is in september
and once because he had so many absent he failed so he had to repeat a grade that why we are classmate
and why did he had so many absent
well he had a bad case of uti and he had to stay at the hospital

he is a introvert
only when im with him is when his not introvert
he is so quite in class and always sleep
he is one weird piece of shit especially in chat like who would take a pic of his light and sa beautiful light in the mid of our conversation about our homework like that way out of topic at first i was like what the fuck and i didnt understand so i told my friends about it and they didnt know either so i asked him and you know what he chatted me he said i was just showing the light cause its beautiful so i said youre weird like super weird and he just laughed at me wtf

he always had this one jacket like he wears it all the time
and his has beautiful eyes
i think his feet size is 10 or 9
his taller than me but dati hindi
he always eat lunch at our classroom
he never likes it when i do the first convo like he like it that his the one who would do that
he always watch tiktok
in our class he is at the back
and i think if he has a gf he will be always jealous
he would not be distance to me only when my friends are with me

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