Chapter 2:The Truth that's being unraveled

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Rin slowly lifted her hands in the air ' wait a second but thoes that mean I have more brothers?' The principal only shaked his head in a No motion 'No the thing is..... Rin..... You are one of those Children that were born.......'


'WHAT,NO NO NO THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE I'M A SINGLE CHILD' The principal put his hands up in a "please keep it down" motion and smiled, Rin seeing that lowered her voice and said in a quiet voice "sorry" after calming down Rin went towards the principal, staring at him intensely 'Sorry for being Rude but... Are those...... Real?' The principal only laughed at her curiosity 'W-what did a say something wrong?' The principal only kept laughing lightly 'Haha nono it's quite alright, I understand, you are quite new to all this right?' Rin nodded in agreement 'I have so many questions right know, like why did mom not tell me or am i a mutain or or' The principal just put a hand on her mouth shushing her 'Your mom is in another part of this story that I'll tell you later,and about the muatin part I'll say it later two, for know you better get to class, here this is your class schedule and a letter from me to the teacher saying why you were late'

Rin thanked him and went off but before she could leave, the principal said one last thing ' Before you leave, I wanna tell you, don't be scared of anyone here they are all friendly and are here only to learn, and don't tell anyone about your situation ok?' Rin nodded and left in a hurry, running across the hallways almost slipping in alot of her steps she bumps into someone and falls to the ground, noticing this Rin lifts her hands up in front of her and shakes them in a 'no' motion 'I'M SO SO SORRY I DIDN'T SEE YOU I WAS JUST IN A HURRY AND-' 'yeez you dont have to scream you know....' Rin hearing this looked up to see a girl? Or a man? With black hair with some purple high lights and some small like wings beside their ears,they also had their eyes closed not opening them even once.

'I-i um excuse me umm uuh' the person soon walked past Rin not caring if she didnt stand up 'Names Raven.......Raven Woods...see you weirdo' and with that he vanished, Rin stared into the hallway at nothing maybe thinking that if she waited a bit more he would come back but he didnt and so she stood up again and went running into her classroom again, bursting into the classroom with sweat in her forhead and looking down in a bowing position ,'IM SO SORRY MA'AM OR SIR I WAS IN THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE AND I GOT LOST AND WELL YEA' She stated in the bowing position not daring to move a bit with her hands out with the letter the principal gave her 'Young Lady I know you were late and everything but you don't have to scream in the classroom just cause' wen she looked up she saw a beautiful young man that looked around he's 19th with glasses and a pissed look on he's face

She quickly composed herself and said a low "sorry" to him, the man of course didnt bother asking her anything else as he pointed at the seat for her, wen she looked at that direction she was met with the same persone she met in the gates, She gulped and went towards her seat acting as if she werent even there, slowly she sat down beside her and took out her notebook 'hey' the woman that she met tried to talk to her but she wouldnt listen until she felt a slight pain on her left cheek 'oww' she then angrily looked at her direction with a pouting face and her hand placing it on her left cheek 'what was that for!' She said lowly, the other girl just stared at her with a mocked face 'you werent answering me so yea' Rin stared at her in disbelief and huffed while looking back to the teachers leasson.

'Hey wait gimme a damn minute will you? I gotta ask you something real quick' She then looked at her up and down and nodded 'whats the matter?' 'You look like someone i used to know....' Rin looked at her quickly and averted her gaze in her eyes staring at her with seriousness and curiosity 'what do you mean? Whats their name?' Scarlett scuffed and looked to her side 'If you really wanna know then show up in the lunch cafe at the last table, you'll see a guy with black hair on top and the bottom half purple and another man with the same fetures like me, of course ill be waiting too but just to not make you question who they are' Rin nodded and took out her notebook with a pencil and started writhing down important details of the class.

'So whos ready to learn a bit about us mutains and non-mutains' Rin soon lifted her hand and looked to her sides to see that no one else lifted their hands, the teacher sighed and nodded 'ok then, very well i shall advert the class and talk about the histori of ours instead' the teacher then turned around to the head vored and took out a marker soon to start wrighting the title of the day that said "The Histori Of Mutains And Non-Mutains" 'Very well know lets start' as soon as he said that Rin went to wright on the paper at hand from her book and started writhing 'The history of us...well its nothing to complicated and nothing too simple is it? Mutains were born from the stars they say but we all know that isn't true, while it is-'

Rins POV

I was hearing the teacher talking wen all of a sudden i couldn't hear anything all that was heard was blurry and in coherent i panicked but it seemed that the people surrounding me were in slow motion and couldn't see me while i was the only one to move fast, after at least 5 second's i hear someone call out to me, but it wasn't a woman's voice nor a Man's voice 'Rin' it was calling out my name so I decided to ask that person what they wanted 'who are you! And what do you want! ' the voice seemed to snicker at me until he replied 'oh dear Rin if you only knew that today was gonna be one of your worst nightmares....... If you really wanna know why don't you....... Come Closer' suddenly it all went back to normal and I started breathing fast, I felt like I was going to faint so I grabbed something or someone beside me and tugged at their clothing.

No one's POV

Rin suddenly grabbed Scarlett's shirt and pulled on it making the woman question what she wanted, but wen she saw Rin about to pass out she called the teacher for help 'MR.FLASHY RIN PASSED OUT' the teacher hurriedly went towards her and in a blink of an eye he was there 'what happened is she ok? Why did she pass out? ' Scarlett only answered by shoving him a side and picking up Rin 'I don't know but I'm gonna get her to the nursery' the teacher nodded and so Scarlett went running towards the exit door and into the hallways.... Running she almost slipped and dropped Rin but recovered and kept running, as soon as she saw the nurse's door she slammed in it only to yell at the nurse 'Miss Hansdolf my- my friend here, shes not breathing and she passed out! ' the nurse only went towards Scarlett and picked up Rin only to set her down in one of the beds 'Honey I might need you to leave ok! ' Scarlett nodded and went outside the room closing the door in the process

"That damn girl she better not have died on me there or else i wont be able to tell her about the person I compared her to"

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