Somebody Save Me

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Kobra Kid

  "Do you think she's okay?" I heard Jet ask. "Or is Kid okay?"

  "I'm fine Jet." I said pulling my can of beans away from me. "I just miss her. Why can't we just go get her?"

  "Because Mikes, it would be very doubtful that she would remember us at all." Party said. "And if we do get her, she would already be doped up those stupid pill things they make her take." I knew he was right. I just didn't want to admit it. It would hurt my cool.

  "I think we could survive." I heard Jet say getting up. "I mean, we have the will and the Way. Get it?"

  "Yeah I get it." Party said smiling. "If you believe that we can survive and save Danger, then I believe it's worth the shot."

  "Really?" I said putting my head up. He nodded and I pulled on my biker helmet.

  We hopped in the car and started to go to her house. We really didn't know where it was, but we were hoping she still lived where she did when we were kids.

Danger Day (BTW. This part might be a little boring. You have been warned.)

  I woke with a start. I look around and slowly open my door.

  "Why do I feel so sad?" I asked realizing that tears were pouring down my cheeks. I saw my reflection in a pot and I look dirty and grimy. "Where was I that I got dirty?"

  I go to the bathroom to wash off the dirt. My clothes were covered in dried blood and black leather. These clothes would get me killed. Why would I have these? A sharp pain coursed through my brain. Images warped in my brain.

  "Come on Mikey!" A little girl, me I guess, said with her short hair bobbing. "We'll be late if you and Gee don't hurry up!"
  "We're hurrying as fast as we can Lorra. Where are we going anyway?!" Mikey said pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
  "Shut up Mikes. It's a surprise." A smaller boy said. Gerard I guess. "Just know that it will be awesome," he smiled and we continued to run towards my house.       "Sweety!" My mother yelled. "Are you ready?!"
  "Yes," I said walkong up to a chair with Mikey and Gerard sitting next to me.
  "Hey you finally got here losers," A really small boy said with dark black hair. "How are always late to important things Lorra?"
"That is a very mean wod Frankie. You shouldn't call Lorra a loser," a boy with a big afro said.
  "Shut up Ray," Frank said.
"I don't know Frank. Probably because I'm always doing something awesome." I say.
  "She was climbing a tree," Mikey said. Fireworks whizzed in the air and blew up in colourful shocks. "Wow,"
  "Sweetie. We have to go," my mother said. "Your Uncle Korse is going to take care of us from now on." My mother scooped me up and forced me into a car.
  "Lorra?!" Mikey yelled. "No!"

  "Who were they?!" I yelled at no one. I collapsed to the floor crying. "Help me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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