Before we start

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Let me say these

Y/n - Your name

P/N - pet name

Let's head onto the students

Red guy - Harry

Duck guy - Robin

Yellow guy - Manny

Now the teachers

Sketchbook - Sketch

Clock - Tony

Butterfly - Shrignold ((creepy cult man-))

Computer - Colin

Laptop - Lizzy

Globe - Gilbert

Steak - David

Fridge - Felix

Can twin #1 - Bob

Can twin #2 - Landon

Spinach - Veg

Bread Boy - Luke

Lamp - Larry

Season 2 teachers

Briefcase - Bryson

His older brother - Brendon

Coffin - Colt

Twins - Lily and Todney

Worm man - Warren

Train - Grandpa ((me and a friend made some of these names, not a lot- only Briefcases, and this one))

Electricity - Tracy ((took a bit of this from a friend- sorry ItsYaBoiLydia also thanks for giving me your idea for Coffins name-))

Two extra students


K - this is ItsYaBoiLydia they one of my best friends- that I haven't adopted since they are older than me-

As the story continues on ((a Dhmis story))Where stories live. Discover now