Trigger and Content Warnings

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According to recent studies on trigger warnings, this can actually be counterproductive towards the individuals they are intended to help. This list will remain available due to seemingly frequent backlash against those who refuse or forget to make trigger warning lists available, but the head of The Morality Trade is encouraging that this list and this novel are not read by anybody who thinks they may experience emotional distress as a result.

This list is open to change as the story updates.

Content Warnings

Abortion and similar controversy

Justice system and law enforcement controversy

Frequent depictions of strong political opinions among characters that do not necessarily match that of the author.

Trigger Warnings

Abuse and grooming

Subjects of sex and sexual trauma, as well as scenes of sexual violence

Implied discussion of school shootings

Depictions of psychosis, PTSD, and similar mental problems

Eating disorder depictions

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