Prologue: Danny Stewart

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My best friend and I were crouched on top of the playground set at our favorite abandoned park.  We knew for a fact that the shimmering stars of the night sky wouldn't tell our parents.  They never have, in all the thousands of times we have been there.  Usually you'd find us sharing wisdom with one another, or talking shit (like teenagers often do).  Today, however, I had something different in mind.

I asked her a question that I doubted even the experts had an answer for.  How to stop a situation of abuse before it happens.  A potentially impossible task.  Something I've devoted myself to.

    "If you're talking about yourself, it has long since happened." CJ said.  "And it continues to do so.  I can taste the damage it causes.  It lets the darkest parts of you leak through the cracks and onto my tongue, where all of your words and feelings end up lurking."

    "I'm not talking about myself at all.  My situation isn't jack shit compared to this, CJ." I said.

    Her expression went into a disappointed look.  "Don't compare," she said, "Life is not a competition for who has it worse than everyone else.  We must stop viewing it as such."  There she went again, I thought.  Finding every opportunity to point out the flaws of our society.

    I fought her point with this: "Comparison is how doctors save the dying on time.  If we do not compare, we lose people that we could have saved.  That is how it works." 

    CJ was certainly thinking to herself that my point was valid, but she would never in a million years have said it aloud.

"My situation can wait," I said, "This one has a time limit."

    "Chance's boyfriend won't make it here, if that's what you're so scared of.  I have my doubts that a man in his early 20s would have anywhere near the money to book flight tickets of any kind," she said.  She had read my mind, but not quite entirely.  Though it was only because I told her this before.

    "Oh yes he will," I said, "He has the flight booked already, and will be here within weeks.  I forget the exact date, but I have my many doubts that it is safe for Chance."

    CJ lost her words for a moment, before finally speaking again.  "Fine, Danny.  Would you like to know how to save him, or- at the very least- my opinion on the best method?"

    "Spill.  Now." I demanded.  I couldn't keep waiting for answers.  I was too nervous.

    "Identify the signs." She advised.  "Conduct your own personal research on a topic called 'grooming,' and I don't mean the kind that people put in comments on Twitter to pretend like they're 'protecting the children.'  I mean the real kind of grooming.  The kind that old men do to little girls on online children's games.  It would do you good."  I nodded my head, thinking that she was done, but she continued: "Specifically, look up the signs that someone you know is being groomed, and look for those signs in Chance.  If you find enough information, there is a very small chance that you can have Hart investigated before he makes it here.  Don't get your hopes up, though.  It's often not that easy.  Most likely, you'll have to wait until the abuse actually happens before they'll even consider believing you."

    "Well I can't just sit back and let it happen," I almost shouted.  I was outraged at the response, but I knew it was the truth.  Out of everyone, CJ and I should be the ones to know that.  Yet, I still continued to say: "I'd feel ashamed for the rest of my life if I didn't even try!"

"There may not be a choice, unless you risk your own arrest and take matters into your own hands.  With enough courage, you could break into Chance's house yourself and kill Hart as he is in the act.  With enough money, you can find Hart yourself and kill him in secret before he can do anything.  With enough trust, you can try to get Chance to admit Hart's sins himself- if he is even aware of it to begin with.  Who knows, maybe Chance isn't being groomed at all and the only real concern is the five year age difference between these two so-called 'lovers.'  It all depends." CJ rambled.

    I was shocked at the mere suggestion of killing Hart.  "So you want me to keep an eye on their relationship.  Look for signs, and report evidence.  If that doesn't work, then you want me to kill Hart, is that correct?" I asked.

    "I don't want you to do any of this.  That's your desire." She told me, which sent me in fumes that I had to hold back for the sake of time.  "Those were only suggestions.  Do what you want with them."

    "I'm going to save him.  I don't have any other choice," I said.

    CJ sighed.  "You do, but you don't feel like you do, because you have an unfortunate tendency to care for others before yourself," she explained.

    "I'm going to save him," I repeated.

    "Suit yourself," she said.

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