Chapter One

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Hunter was just strolling along the sidewalk when a loud cry erupted into his thoughts. Hunter froze, for some reason he felt the need to find out what it came from.

And he did. He swiftly turned towards a small shop and walked behind it. Hunter looked at the origin of the noise and his heart melted. Right there lay a naked baby boy with short dull rainbow-colored hair, and gray eyes. Hunter dropped to his knees, picked up the baby and tears filled his eyes.

Leaning over, Hunter picked up a small piece of paper; This newborn boy will take any trait of the parent he finds, or the parent who finds him, when he gets named.

Hunter smiled softly and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and covered the baby's private. Holding the baby close to his chest, Hunter began to walk towards the Owl House.

When Hunter Arrived at the Owl House

An asleep baby yawned as Hunter pulled out a camera, took a picture, and tucked his scroll back into his pocket. Hunter quietly stepped towards the front door of the Owl House, glad Hooty had fallen asleep a few minutes ago. Attempting and proceeding to quietly slide open the door, Hunter grabbed a thick scarf from Eda's bedroom and engulfed the boy in it.

At the Market

Hunter was carrying the baby when he spotted a store that had a few boxes of diapers in stock. He nervously put a box of diapers on the makeshift cashier counter and slapped down a few snails, also buying a few baby clothes, books, and baby hats. The shop owner glanced at him curiously, as Hunter was only 16 years old, but still didn't say anything. Hunter thanked the shop owner and walked off, to the Owl House, baby in one arm, shopping bags in the other.

At the Owl House Again

Hunter put the diaper on the baby and pulled a onesie on the baby, wrapped him up with the scarf and hugged him. The teen sighed, thinking of a name for the boy. His eyes widened and sparkled, Noah! It's a perfect name for him!

Noah's hair shifted to a blond color, lighter than Hunter's, his eyes shifting to pink, and his skin gaining a gray tint. Hunter began to cry, struggling to hold back his sobs. He sat crisscrossed, leaning on the wall, crying his heart out. Hunter shakily pulled out his scroll, took a picture, tucked it away in his pocket again, and placed a gentle kiss on his son's forehead.

A Few Minutes Later

Noah woke up and started crying, startling Hunter awake. Hunter immediately grabbed the notes that the shop owner slipped into the shopping bag, reading it over; The baby will need to suck on a breast, drinking the milk-

Huter blushed, pulled Noah closer, and lifted his shirt up. Noah placed his mouth onto Hunter's nipple and started to suck. Surprisingly it worked. Hunter's ears flopped, and he blushed, "This feels weird..."

A few Months In

Eda noticed that something was off about Hunter, the teen barley left his room, looked more tired, but happier at the same time. He also randomly asked Eda about parenting and infant health. At first, she had just thought that he wanted to know because of his childhood, but then she caught him in the act

Eda walked in on Hunter, breastfeeding an infant. The baby had blonde hair, lighter than Hunter's, and pink eyes. It took Hunter about two seconds before he realized Eda was there, he slowly turned to her, blushing madly with his ears down, "I- I- Um, this-I" Eda stared at Hunter, "I want you to come talk with me and Luz when you're done with... this." Eda walked out of the room, leaving a very embarrassed and scared Hunter.

In the Kitchen

Eda sat down in the chair next to Luz with an unreadable expression on her face as she said, "I just walked in on Hunter breastfeeding a baby who I think is his son." Luz stared at Eda for a full 4 minutes, trying to process what she just said.

Hunter walked in with a yawn and holding a child up to his shoulder (shoulder hold pose). Luz stared in awe while Eda glared at him. Hunter began to sweat as he sat down

"Now, Hunter. Would you like to explain?" Eda said gesturing to the infant in Hunter's arm, the former Golden Guard sighed and hugged Noah closer to him while he explained,

"I was taking a walk and I heard something, so I went behind a shop to find it, and then I saw Noah. At the time he had a dull rainbow color for his hair and gray eyes, there was a note saying that once I decided a name for him that he would gain some looks from me. Aaaand yeah that's about it." Eda softened her glare and Luz looked lost in thought, "What's his name?" Hunter looked at Noah and smiled, "Noah." Luz awed at them, but Hunter yawned loudly, taking Luz out of her thoughts.

"Tired?" Eda said, glancing at Noah then back at Hunter. Hunter nodded while yawning again. Eda ushered him back to his room, both her and Luz saying goodnight.

The next morning

Luz stepped into Hunter's room and saw him breastfeeding again, although this time he looked super tired, Hunter started to doze off, "Hunter?" His head shot up, wide-eyed, but that expression only lasted a millisecond before his tired expression got back on. "...Lu...z...?"

Luz's heart broke a little at how tired Hunter was while trying to take care of Noah. "You need to rest!" "I- I know! But i need to take care of Noah..." "I'll take care of him with Eda, but just get some sleep." Hunter sighed, "... Fine." Luz took a picture of Hunter kissing Noah on his forehead before looking at Luz, unsure. Luz held out her arms, and Hunter hesitantly handed Noah to the human, "A- are you sure that Noah will be fine?" Hunter asked, reaching out slightly. "Hunter, look at me." Hunter looked Luz in the eyes, and she reassured him, "He will be safe."

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