part 2

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"I do not think they belong together at all," Louis wrinkled his nose as he looked questionably at the pair of mortals and then back at Aphrodite's dreamy eyes as she watched from up above.

The two gods were perched silently on a sturdy olive tree branch, watching the pair of mortals dance around their feelings as they strolled down a pathway accompanying the flowing river. A gentle breeze fluttered the tree's leaves just so, and a dove cooed quietly in the background. All around them were signs of a bursting, bountiful nature. Louis caught a butterfly on his hand, momentarily stroking its wings before the tiny creature was flitting away. He gazed in disdain and jealousy as the taller mortal reached out tentatively towards the smaller and Aphrodite's eyes filled with glee as the other acquiesced.

"Why do you say that?" She pried gently, always one to value her protege's opinions and ideas, never making Louis feel inferior for his opinions, even if they were incorrect.

"Well, I have not seen any evidence that they complement each other. Or that they are twin flames. If anything, they seem absolutely different, and they're both so broken in their own way," Louis surmised as he gazed at the two shy figures now sitting on the bench, fingers hopelessly intertwined.

"That's just the thing that makes this relationship so valuable," Aphrodite answered seriously. "They are both broken inside. They have both suffered terrible, traumatic events that will forever scar them. But they are strong and they can help each other draw on their own strength. They can bring each other hope."

"I thought you said trauma bonding was unhealthy and does not benefit any successful and pure relationship," Louis said almost accusingly.

Aphrodite laughed as she wrapped Louis up in a hug. "You have grown very wise, haven't you?" She praised him. "Using my own words against me."

"I only had the greatest teacher in all of the land," Louis joined in on the laughter as he let himself be embraced by one of his most favourite beings in the universe on that gorgeous, spring day. The fresh weather had done wonders for his mood. Sometimes being cooped up in Zayn's lavish and large, yet dark chambers took a toll on him. Now even he couldn't help but gaze wondrously as the new couple picked flowers from a nearby patch together.

Unfortunately his flattery was not enough to wager a stance of obliviousness from his mentor. Aphrodite looked determined as she hugged him.

"Now my dear Louis, tell me your true motives behind your scepticism of this relationship. You've tried to advocate for the end of nearly every relationship we've worked on today and it's terribly unlike you to be so pessimistic."

Sighing art the fact that he had been caught, Louis dropped his head on Aphrodite's shoulder, willing himself not to get emotional.

"I have not been that transparent today, have I?"

"I see with more than just my two eyes, and you have always known that. I also know you better than most beings on Mt. Olympus. Except for maybe a certain Sea god who I have an inkling might also be the answer to my previous inquiry."

Louis groaned, wishing for just a moment that he could disrespect Aphrodite and tell her that it simply wasn't any of her business. Or anyone's for that matter. But he loved the goddess too much to let a momentary whim ruin their loving relationship.

"Why does everybody feel the need to hound me about this matter? Don't the other gods have anything better to do besides gossip about some petty little relationship."

Aphrodite stroked his hair tenderly, she knew just the way that he liked to be comforted, ever since he had first emerged. Louis's deliberate use of the world relationship was not lost on her. It was a start, and she knew there was still hope for the two lovesick gods.

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