part 4

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Through misconstrued ideologies and bumbling folklore of mere mortals, it was believed that gods were untouchable. They did not bleed the same ruby red blood as mortals, their eyes possessed a stronger, luminescent gaze, and their strength was frighteningly formidable. They simply did not share the same vulnerabilities that mortals did and thus their immortality was written in stone.

But gods were not vampires. They were also not savage beasts. They could not simply turn their heart off or turn their cheek the other way at their own conscience.

Louis knew he was allowing himself to feel the pain. Sanctioning the pain to seep through him like rain through a creaky, old windowsill, slowly but surely filling up the gaps until nothing else was noticeable. With each immortal breath he took, it was tinged with the sorrow that he felt at the nonexistent proximity of his soulmate. It had been months since the two had last met and he was feeling the gap deeper into his heart, every single day.

But did Harry feel the same?

The love that he felt for the God of the Sea was swallowing him whole like the ocean itself. Louis looked out at the mellow ocean, watching as the waves bobbed up and down. Some short time had passed between the night at the Spring Solstice and Louis had sought the sea's comfort almost every night since then.

"I thought I might find you here."

Louis looked up from his perch on the rocks to see none other than the God of the Sea staring down at him with something unrecognisable in his eyes. Harry looked different today as he loomed over Louis's seated figure. The god was shirtless, although that was far from out of of the ordinary for him, and something seemed slightly off.

Louis studied him quietly, careful not to linger on Harry's sculpted abs, as the other god leaned nonchalantly against his impressive trident. Harry was not smiling and it made Louis frown in turn. As much as he despised when Harry possessed that stupid, cocky smirk after saying whatever he could manage to pull out of his ass, it was unsettling to see him look so somber.

"How did you get all the way down to these rocks? Did you jump off a cliff?" Harry attempted to joke almost as if he could read Louis's mind, but Louis was in no mood to humour him.

"No, sorry to disappoint," he responded dryly.

"I simply used my great beauty to bribe a group of mighty strong looking sailors to row me out here. You know, since the only useful skill I possess is my beauty and powers of persuasion," he fibbed, secretly loving that Harry's eyes narrowed and his hold tightened on his trident at the mention of others. Why was he so hopelessly attracted to possessiveness?

"You are cunning and resourceful, and it does no one any good to pretend you are not," Harry said firmly, eyes locked onto Louis's.

"Well a lot of good it has done me," Louis couldn't help but complain. "Everyone here only cares about being my friend for the privileges I have or being my consort for this fake beauty I carry."

The God of Beauty was too wrapped up in his own turmoil to see a storm swirl in Harry's eyes at the mention of consorts. His trident glowed a menacing dark blue and purple as it connected to the sky in a stream of lightning and glowing energy. All of a sudden, the waves that were scattered across the ocean grew just a bit larger and meaner as they crashed mercilessly into the shore spattering the rocks with their wrath.

Shaking himself out of it, Louis returned his attention to the god before him just as the minor storm settled. Harry slowly sat down next to him, subtly flicking the last traces of the bad weather away and discarding of his trident temporarily. As Louis tucked his knees into his chest, he looked up at the sky confusedly, watching the dark clouds vanish and the sun re-emerge. However he was too distracted at his own openness to question the odd behaviour of the weather.

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