Episode 5: First Battle-The Struggle for Trost, Part 1

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(I found and played a genshin picrew-Not my art . ALSO IMPORTANT NOTE AT THE END)


    "Mankind will wi-" He began only to be cut off by a bolt of lightning crashing don to earth and our perspective changing to green and yellow momentarily. A skinless head peered over the wall and the air pressure flung the cadets from the wall like children's toys.

    I grabbed my blade handles and clicked the triggers. A hollow click greeted me instead of the swish of my gear. 'Shit that's probably not good' I thought fleetingly as gravity began taking affect and I began to fall towards the ground. Fuuuucccckkkk" I screamed as the ground got closer.

    I looked away from my surely to be painful death and saw Samuel falling towards the ground, seemingly unconscious. He fell but not for very much longer, as a hook pierced his leg and held him in place. Sasha screamed for him to hold still. 

    'God, by the walls am I really going to die before getting my revenge. how utterly lame'. I thought as I watched the ground rush up to meet me until my body jerk to a halt with Connie's arms wrapped tightly around my frame. "Y/N Y/N Are you okay?!" He chirped anxiously. "Never better dude but I think I'll be better once my gear decides not to be a bitch and override due to some steam" I said with an empty chuckle. We swung up to the top of the wall where we were met by our comrades.

    "Y/n I thought you were going to die" Sasha sobbed burying her face into my chest. "Aw now I'm not thaaaat easy to kill". She blubbered on about nonsense while Eren talked to our senior

Ereh's POV~

    I received our orders from our senior officer and felt a mixture of hope and revenge fill me as I gazed out over the city before preparing my gear to begin swinging 'Maybe there's hope for us yet, most of us have matur- ' My thought were cut off by a screech from y/n. "SASHA YOUR GETTING YOUR SNOT ALL OVER MY DAMN SHIRT" She yelled trying to push Sasha off but to no avail as she had her arms around the angelic girls waist. Yeah no they haven't matured.

Time skip and back to Y/N's POV~

    I sat with my back to the wall in-between Reiner and Bertholdt as I fixed up my gear having already filled my canisters. We idly chattered until Reiner faced me with a rather somber look on his face. "Y/n.... wasn't it your group that was there when the big guy showed up just today"

    "Oh yeah.... that. Heh yeah that was my group" I said with an uncomfortable chuckle. "Did you get hurt?" Bertholdt asked still towering over us while sitting. "Uhm I didn't get hurt but almost became a red splotch on the ground if it hadn't been for Connie" I said and with a final click my gear was reassembled and I slid it on quickly. "Woah wait what?!" Reiner said placing his hand onto my shoulder

    "Oh yeah my gear jammed from the steam and I- I could have died...." I trailed off only now did it hit me that I could have DIED. I pulled my knees up to my chin mummering anxiously. Bertholdt cast a worried glance in my direction before a Garrison solider burst in, only to scream that we needed to report to the courtyard for further instruction. I pushed myself off the wall and joined the rows in the courtyard. 

    "Just like in training, split up into your individual squads! You will be under Garrison command! Your duties are to assist in providing supplies, communications, and sweeping up the Titans. The first line of defense will be the frontline unit of the Garrison, The second line will be the cadet squads under our command! The rearguard will be the Garrison's elite units. We've already received word that the vanguard has be annihilated! The outer gate was destroyed, and Titans have encroached upon the city, This means that the Armored Titan might show up at any moment to breach the inner gate!" Captain Kitz bellowed.

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